IndoctriNation: Baker’s Dozen – K-12’s Worst of the Worst
VIRGINIA: Fairfax County Public Schools
Fairfax County Public Schools is notorious for its fixation on racial equity and gender ideology and notorious for its anti-Israel bias and antisemitism. FCPS for years had Abrar Omeish serving as a member of the district’s School Board. Omeish falsely accused Israel of committing “apartheid” and “colonization” in public statements. The former board member repeated antisemitic sentiments throughout her tenure on the board.
FCPS is currently planning to implement lessons on gender ideology in the curriculum for students as young as elementary age. After a recent survey showed 84% of parents did not want students grades 4-8 taught sex education together in gender-combined classes, FCPS Superintendent Michelle Reid publicly declared “the majority doesn’t always dictate” and approved the parent-objected classes. FCPS is also known nationwide for a lesson called “Privilege Bingo” – a Critical Race Theory (CRT) game that designates military families as having “privilege.”
In 2020, the FCPS school board decimated the admissions requirements for the number one high school in America, Thomas Jefferson High School for Science & Technology (TJ). FCPS put equity at the heart of consideration, obliterating merit. In just three years, TJ went from the leading school in the country to number 14. The drop will continue now that the last class of merit-based admission students graduated in 2024.
Recent national reporting has revealed that FCPS participated in the selling every aspect of TJ, America’s top STEM high school, to the Chinese Communist Party for $3.6 million over a 7-year period. Intellectual property sold to China included curriculum, student research projects, floor plans and detailed photographs of laboratories – all intended to assist China in “cloning” TJ. China now has several Thomas Schools throughout their country, intended to compete with the American school.
A recent FOIA request has documented that FCPS spends more than $5.76 million on DEI, not including DEI-related contracts and materials.
VIRGINIA: Loudoun County Public Schools
Loudoun County Public Schools is well known for its commitment to gender ideology and has a policy that mandates staff use the preferred pronouns and names of students. The district states in the policy that parents will be ignored if they disagree with their children identifying as transgender. Students are allowed to use the restrooms and locker rooms that match their preferred gender identity.
In 2021, a 15-year-old girl was reportedly sexually assaulted by a boy wearing a skirt in a girls’ restroom within the district. Her parents alleged that the district did not provide proper support to their daughter after the incident. The parents also claimed that the district was not truthful in revealing what occurred to them. The father spoke up at a meeting where the district’s board was discussing a new gender policy and when he objected to claims made by the superintendent, he was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct. Governor Glenn Youngkin later pardoned the student’s father in 2023.
LCPS spent more than $420,000 for consultant firms that advocate for schools to adopt initiatives promoting CRT. The district has provided training to staff on supporting an “equitable and culturally responsive environment” and created “Virtual Responsive Race Circles” for students. At one point, the superintendent published an equity statement that called for the dismantling of “white supremacy” and “systemic racism.”
In 2021, former LCPS teacher Laura Morris quit her job at a board meeting. She stated: “Not only that, but within the last year I was told in our so-called equity trainings that white, Christian, able-bodied females currently have the power in our schools and, quote, ‘this has to change’.”
CALIFORNIA: Los Angeles Unified School District
Los Angeles Unified School District is possibly the worst district in the country on every issue, including health, gender ideology, and antisemitism. The district has a contract with Planned Parenthood to offer abortion and contraceptive services to students.
LAUSD teachers were caught on multiple occasions showcasing pro-Hamas and anti-Israel memorabilia in their classrooms. PDE received images from district classrooms with transgender and pride flags as well as the Palestinian flag. The district also celebrates the annual “Black Lives Matter at School Week of Action.” This includes teaching students thirteen guiding principles of the BLM movement, which includes allowing people to determine their own gender and dismantling the nuclear family. LAUSD participated in the event after the organization BLM at School accused Israel of “settler colonialism, land dispossession, occupation, blockade, apartheid, and attempted genocide of millions of Palestinians” in the wake of October 7th.
The school district notably celebrated “Queer All School Year.” The district provided students and staff as part of this initiative with a calendar that featured LGBTQ-themed events for the whole year. The calendar encouraged teachers to introduce gender ideology into their curricula as well as use books targeting elementary children with transgender themes. In one school, students were welcomed to class with themes of “Black Lives Matter” and “queerness.”
LAUSD has promoted ideas such as “white privilege” and “cisgender privilege” in lessons for teachers to use in classes. The idea is for students to “use awareness of one’s own privilege to become a more effective ally” with the types of privilege including “white privilege,” “heterosexual privilege,” and “cisgender privilege.” The district’s ethnic studies courses are aimed at teaching students topics such as “colonization,” “white supremacy,” and “imperialism.”
CALIFORNIA: San Francisco Unified School District
San Francisco Unified School District had a memo of resources sent to social studies and ethnic studies educators regarding teaching students about Israel after the terrorist group Hamas attacked the country. One resource provided to staff stated that “contrary to the standard mythology, especially in Israel, Israeli terrorism has been significantly worse than that of the Palestinians.”
SFUSD encourages teachers to integrate LGBTQ themes and gender ideology into their curricula taught to students as young as kindergarten. Teachers were notably told that parental notification was not needed “when teaching about LGBTQ family and gender diversity” and “when celebrating diversity or April’s LGBTQ Pride month.” The district advises teachers to “provide LGBTQ-inclusive social studies, history and comprehensive sexual health education.”
The school district provided training to staff that characteristics of white supremacy include “perfectionism,” “sense of urgency,” “worship of the written word,” “individualism,” and “objectivity.” One training presentation for staff included a “Land Acknowledgment” that states “no one is illegal on stolen land.”
MARYLAND: Montgomery County Public Schools
Montgomery County Public Schools has been ground zero for antisemitic incidents in public schools. A FOIA request revealed that a student member of the district’s Board of Education did not want to sign off on a statement in support of Israel. Additional emails included teachers and staff accusing Israel of “settler colonialism,” “ethnic cleansing,” “colonial violence,” and “genocide.” The district then spent nearly $157,000 to prepare the Board of Education chairman to testify before Congress on the issue of antisemitism in K-12 schools.
The district has a policy that prohibits staff from revealing the gender identity of students during the school day to their parents. MCPS also hosts an annual “Pride Town Hall” where students receive credit hours needed to graduate. At this town hall, elementary students partake in LGBTQ-themed activities. The event previously featured a “Transitioning in MCPS” workshop for adults for “busting myths about transition and gender affirming care.” In 2023, one elementary school in the district sent a notice to parents that “LGBTQ+ inclusive texts” would be used in classrooms.
MASSACHUSETTS: Newton Public Schools
Newton Public Schools is possibly the district with the most incidences of promoting tenets of CRT and gender ideology reported by PDE. In emails obtained from a FOIA request, PDE found that the superintendent claimed that she faced “pushback” when attempting to provide professional development on the topic of antisemitism. Another email exposed that a principal for a middle school in the district used the Hamas attack as an excuse to push the idea of “microaggressions” to her staff.
NPS is known for promoting LGBTQ issues and gender ideology to students throughout the school year. The district states that school nurses will keep the preferred pronouns and gender identity of students hidden from their parents. A GSA club in the district was responsible in December 2024 for organizing a “LGBTQ+ Awareness Day” during the school day. Events during this day included “Queer Jeopardy” and “History of Queer Media.” A recent report from the district emphasizes the district’s commitment to gender ideology by stating guidance is being created to “support and increase our ongoing efforts to provide educational and social opportunities that affirm, support, and/or acknowledge gender identity and gender diversity.”
The school district hosts race-based groups and activities for staff and students. Newton North High School had play auditions in 2022 that were restricted to students who identify as “people of color.” The school additionally has affinity groups for students that segregate them by race such as a “Black Leadership Advisory Council” and “Hispanic Y Latinos Unidos.” In 2021, the principal of the high school stated in an email sent to staff that the acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse was “racism.”
ILLINOIS: Chicago Public Schools
Chicago Public Schools is open about being “woke.” The school district uses a program called “AWAKE to WOKE to WORK: Building a Race Equity Culture” in an attempt to achieve “race equity.” The district states that the “attainment of race equity requires us to examine all four levels on which racism operates (personal, interpersonal, institutional, and structural), recognize our role in enduring inequities, and commit ourselves to change.”
The school district mandated teacher training where staff were told “gender & sex are socially constructed, meaning they’ve been created and enforced by the people in a society.” This training stated that “discussing a student’s transition with their parent or guardian without the student’s explicit consent is not permitted.” The district created a 27-page document titled “Supporting Gender Diversity Toolkit” with the explicit purpose of encouraging staff to promote gender ideology to students.
CPS has a sexual education curriculum implemented for students as young as pre-kindergarten that includes nude imagery. Students as young as first grade are taught to “define gender, gender identity and gender role stereotypes.” Third-grade students are taught to “explain the difference between sex assigned at birth and gender identity” and are taught about transgender issues. The lesson for fifth-grade students includes the “Gender Unicorn” which is a graph that attempts to teach students that gender is on a spectrum. Students in this grade are also “introduced to puberty blocker medications that transgender young people may use.”
NEW YORK: New York City Public Schools
New York City Public Schools is the largest school district in the country and definitely one of the worst in terms of its fixation on race and gender identity as well as its antisemitism. Within the district, a teacher at Gotham Tech High School publicly supported the terrorist group Hamas attacking Israel. He shared an image on social media of a paraglider with the phrase “I Stand with Palestine.” After the district’s chancellor shared support for Israel, the teacher accused him of being a “white supremacist, imperialist, scumbag.”
Another school within the district, P.S. 59 Beekman Hill International School, had a pre-kindergarten teacher who created guides “on how to talk to 4-year-olds about ‘land theft, displacement and ethnic cleansing.’” She attacked Israel as a “fascist ethnostate” while also providing “teach-ins” for educators on “Palestine, Zionism, and the ‘struggle against colonization.’”
The district has a policy to keep the gender identity of students hidden from parents. The Neighborhood School within the district discusses gender identity with students as young as kindergarten. In one activity, students had to choose the preferred pronouns of teddy bears. Stephen Decatur Magnet School had students perform in a “unity walk” in support of the “Black Lives Matter at School Week of Action,” despite BLM at School’s support of Hamas. In 2024, the NYCPS introduced a districtwide “Black Studies curriculum” teaching students to support reparations and to support the Black Panther Party.
WISCONSIN: Eau Claire Area School District
Eau Claire Area School District is especially notorious for pushing gender ideology onto students. The district told teachers that parents did not need to know about their children identifying as transgender at school. In 2022, a staff member showcased a LGBTQ poster stating, “If your parents aren’t accepting of your identity, I’m your mom now.”
In February 2022, teachers at ECASD were provided in-depth training on LGBTQ issues and gender ideology. The training encouraged teachers to implement these topics into the curricula taught to students. Staff were also told that parents disagreeing with gender ideology was the equivalent of abuse: “But much like we wouldn’t act as stand-ins for abuse in other circumstances, we cannot let parents’ rejection of their children guide teachers’ reactions and actions and advocacy for our students.” Staff were also provided the “Genderbread Person” in this training which is a graph that attempts to argue that gender exists on a spectrum.
TEXAS: Austin Independent School District
Austin Independent School District is known for adamantly promoting LGBTQ issues and gender ideology to students despite being in Texas. At one point, the district published annual reports on LGBTQ topics. The report provided recommendations to the school district such as “increasing students’ access to appropriate and accurate information regarding LGBTQ people, history, and events through inclusive curricula, and library and internet resources.” Data for the report came from surveys focusing on gender identity provided to students.
In March 2024, AISD celebrated “Pride Week” and a “Decade of Pride.” That year marked a decade of the school district promoting LGBTQ issues. The district provided lesson plans for teachers with activities including to “decorate a pride flag” and “create an AISD pride themed bulletin board.” PDE found through a FOIA request that the district previously had a job opening where supporting “social justice issues” and “race equity” were requirements.
COLORADO: Denver Public Schools
Denver Public Schools promotes LGBTQ issues and gender ideology to students throughout the school year. The school district created a documentary titled “Reclaiming the Narrative: A Documentary About LGBTQ+ Youth” that “invites young people to reclaim the narrative about what it means to be queer and trans in K-12 schooling.”
The district additionally has a “LGBTQ+ Tool Kit” that instructs staff to keep the gender identity of students hidden from parents. In 2023, the vice president of the district’s Board of Education bragged that the board “allowed students to self-identify their gender without parental consent.” He shared images on X that appeared to be drawing assignments with Black Lives Matter and LGBTQ themes for elementary students within his district, including drawings of a drag queen and Black Lives Matter imagery.
In January 2024, DPS shared an internal memo among staff titled “DPS Belief in and Commitment to Black Excellence” that claims “institutional racism exists” because “all educators need to deeply understand white supremacy, white privilege, and deep harm ‘whiteness’ brings to students and team members.” The pledge stated that “we must commit to Black Lives Matter.” This was after the grassroots arm of Black Lives Matter shared a statement on X accusing Israel of “apartheid.”
OREGON: Portland Public Schools
Portland Public Schools is located in one of the most liberal cities in America and their priorities reflect that designation. In 2024, a guide titled “Know Your Rights! Teaching & Organizing for Palestine within Portland Public Schools” revealed that teachers within PPS had been promoting anti-Israel messaging in their lessons in classrooms. The guide was created by the Oregon Educators for Palestine in collaboration with the Portland Association of Teachers.
In 2021, Grant High School within the district taught students about equity by using terms such as “whiteness,” “white fragility,” “white tears,” and “white saviorism.” Students participated in a “Privilege for Sale” game where they could choose what privileges they want to purchase. The lesson also included a “Pyramid of White Supremacy” that starts with “indifference” at the bottom and goes to “genocide” at the top. Phrases like “remaining apolitical” and “two sides to every story” are located in the “indifference” category at the bottom. The chart eventually leads to “genocide” and “mass murder.”
When disciplining students for wrongful actions, the district considers the race and identity of students through a “Student Support and Discipline” policy. The district states that discipline “must take into consideration the impact of issues related to the student’s trauma, race, gender identity/presentation, sexual orientation, disability, social emotional learning, and restorative justice as appropriate for the student.”
WASHINGTON: Seattle Public Schools
Seattle Public Schools is another district notorious for integrating political ideology into the curricula and programs for students. PDE obtained an email from a school board member through a FOIA request after the terrorist group Hamas attacked Israel. In this email, the board member notably stated, “The Israeli government is a right-wing apartheid force that does not represent Jewish people.”
SPS has provided lessons to students promoting the Black Lives Matter movement that include advocating for the “disruption of Western nuclear family dynamics and a return to the ‘collective village’ that takes care of each other.” Another lesson in this program advocated for “working towards a queer-affirming network where heteronormative thinking no longer exists.”
The district has a policy to keep the gender identity of students hidden from parents. A FOIA request that PDE submitted to the district revealed that the district’s school-based health center provider offers “gender-affirming care services” to students. These so-called “services” include “offering families access to important medical interventions including hormonal treatments.”
The school district participates in Seattle’s annual pride parade and invites teachers, families, and students to the event. The district claims that it “has participated in Seattle’s Pride Parade for more than 30 years.” In one incident at Chief Sealth International High School within the district, a tenth grade ethnic studies world history teacher provided students with a quiz titled “Understanding Gender vs. Sex.” The teacher failed a student on this quiz for marking the statement “only women can get pregnant” as “true.”
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