Gates Chili Central School District has “Moral Imperative” statement that acknowledges “white privilege” and “systemic racism”
The Gates Chili Central School District has a page online called “Root Cause and Equity Journey.” The district argues on the page that “equity” is…
Montgomery Blair High School Participated in BLM at School Week of Action With “From Student to Activist” Discussion
Montgomery Blair High School, part of Montgomery Country Public Schools in Silver Spring, Maryland, had a number of events for BLM at School’s Week of Action on Feb. 6-10, 2023.
Highland Springs High School Counseling Department Promotes Black Lives Matter at School Week
Highland Springs High School’s Counseling Department, part of Highland Springs High School located near Richmond, Virginia, promoted Black Lives Matter at School Week alongside School Counseling Week from their Twitter…
Teachers at Gull Lake Community Schools promote communism and LGBTQ issues on social media
Parents Defending Education received documentation of comments made by district staff of Gull Lake Community Schools in Michigan. The documentation showed an image of an email that an “AP English…
Berkley School District promotes “Genderbread Person” as resource to teach students
The Berkley School District has a page online titled “Berkley Schools Emotional Support & Wellness Resources.” One category on this page is listed as “LGBTQ+ Resources.”…
Connecticut state K-12 curriculum features Black Lives Matter, promotes ‘Anti-Racism’ and ‘Implicit Bias’
The Connecticut State Department of Education document titled “Connecticut Public Act No. 19-12: An Act Concerning the Inclusion of Black and Latino Studies in the Public School Curriculum”…
Berkeley County Schools provides teachers with lesson plans for students from the organization Learning for Justice
Berkeley County Schools has several documents online labeled “Equity and Inclusion Lesson Plans.” Topics to teach students include “gender and sexual identity,” “justice,” “activism,” and “tolerance.” Each document also directs…
Rick Marcotte Central School introduces transgender and racial equity books into curriculum for fifth grade students; principal appears to explain that Valentine’s Day is not inclusive
Several concerned parents reached out to Parents Defending Education regarding newsletters sent to parents with students attending Rick Marcotte Central School in Vermont. The school appears to provide parents…
South Burlington School District has statement condemning so-called “White Supremacy Culture”; plans on “de-centering whiteness” and “creating educational spaces of racial and cultural liberation”
The South Burlington School District has a statement online for a perceived “White Supremacy Culture.” The school district explains that “White Supremacy Culture is a form…
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