種族研究可能是您孩子的學校正在教授的一門學科。這聽起來不錯,直到您意識到它試圖將人們撕裂並描繪出關於美國的一幅可怕圖畫。從加利福尼亞到波士頓,幼兒園-12年級學校都在教授種族研究,聽起來好像是在向您的孩子介紹不同的種族。但實際上,它只不過批判性種族理論 (CRT) 的另一個名稱。…
种族研究可能是您孩子的学校正在教授的一门学科。这听起来不错,直到您意识到它试图将人们撕裂并描绘出关于美国的一幅可怕图画。从加利福尼亚到波士顿,幼儿园-12年级学校都在教授种族研究,听起来好像是在向您的孩子介绍不同的种族。但实际上,它只不过批判性种族理论 (CRT) 的另一个名称。…
Groups Pushing Liberated Ethnic Studies in Schools
(This is preliminary list of the groups currently pushing liberated ethnic studies in K-12 schools. We will add to it as we learn more.)…
Liberated Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum Consortium
What is Liberated Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum Consortium? Liberated Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum Consortium (LESMC) is an ethnic studies consultant group whose vision is to “promote the advancement and…
Los Angeles ethnic studies course teaches students to resist ‘white supremacy culture,’ empowers students to become ‘anti-racist leaders’
The Los Angeles Unified School District’s ethnic studies website lists the course outline for “Introduction to Ethnic Studies,” which states that it “centers holistic humanization and critical consciousness,”…
Estudios étnicos 101
¿Qué son los Estudios étnicos? Los Estudios étnicos son una asignatura que podrían estar enseñando en la escuela de su hijo. En cierto modo suena bien, hasta que se da…
District signs $35,395 ethnic studies contract that includes incorporating Critical Race Theory into training
Hayward Unified School District has agreed to a $35,395 one-year contract with ethnic studies consultant Liberated Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum Consortium. The contract states that the consortium’s services…
‘Liberated’ Ethnic Studies Do Nothing But Trash America
“Smash Capitalism, White Supremacy, Cisheteropatriarchy and Xenophobia” are not merely words making up a slogan being chanted at the latest protest, these words are featured on the front page of…
Ethnic Studies & Social Justice Academy curriculum focuses on systems of oppression and student activism, website calls to smash “capitalism” and “white supremacy”
New Haven Unified School District’s Ethnic Studies & Social Justice Academy, which is part of James Logan High School, features a curriculum where students “learn to interweave critical…
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