Estudios étnicos 101
¿Qué son los Estudios étnicos? Los Estudios étnicos son una asignatura que podrían estar enseñando en la escuela de su hijo. En cierto modo suena bien, hasta que se da…
District signs $35,395 ethnic studies contract that includes incorporating Critical Race Theory into training
Hayward Unified School District has agreed to a $35,395 one-year contract with ethnic studies consultant Liberated Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum Consortium. The contract states that the consortium’s services…
‘Liberated’ Ethnic Studies Do Nothing But Trash America
“Smash Capitalism, White Supremacy, Cisheteropatriarchy and Xenophobia” are not merely words making up a slogan being chanted at the latest protest, these words are featured on the front page of…
Ethnic Studies & Social Justice Academy curriculum focuses on systems of oppression and student activism, website calls to smash “capitalism” and “white supremacy”
New Haven Unified School District’s Ethnic Studies & Social Justice Academy, which is part of James Logan High School, features a curriculum where students “learn to interweave critical…
Liberated Ethnic Studies Comes Down the Pike to K-5 Classrooms
In October 2021, Governor Newsom signed California’s ethnic studies mandate for high schools into law. While many school districts are still deciding on the specific curricula contents for their high…
Ethnic Studies 101
What is Ethnic Studies? Ethnic Studies is a subject that might be taught in your child’s school. It sort of sounds nice, until you realize that it seeks to…
Seventh and Eighth grade ethnic studies course features ‘Genderbread Person’ activity and unit on ‘Intersectionality’
Long Beach Unified School District’s middle school ethnic studies course description states that students will “understand the politics of privilege and the historical reasons for structural racism, classism and…
Tamalpais Union High School District ethnic studies course teaches students “the tenets of critical race theory” and how to use it to analyze historical and current events
Tamalpais Union High School District’s course for grades 10-12 titled “Ethnic Studies: An Examination of Race in the United States” unit 1 learning goals include that “Students will know…
WASHINGTON EXAMINER: Napa school district offers special ethnic studies guidance for white teachers
A curriculum consultant contracted by a California school district will provide professional development training that includes guidance to white teachers on how to teach ethnic studies, highlighting a nationwide trend…
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