THE BLAZE: Former school administrator claimed Judaism wouldn’t be central topic in ethnic studies program because ‘for the most part’ Jewish Americans have ‘control of systemic power’
Communications obtained by Parents Defending Education revealed that a former ethnic studies school administrator with Seattle Public Schools claimed that Judaism would not be a central topic in the program…
FOX NEWS: Ethnic Studies school administrator argued some Jewish Americans have ‘control of systemic power’
Castro-Gill is now the executive director of the advocacy organization Washington Ethnic Studies Now…
Ethnic studies course teaches students the ‘theoretical foundations of Critical Race Theory.’
Coachella Valley Unified School District’s ethnic studies course teaches students Critical Race Theory and how to apply it to “understand how race is socially constructed.” Ethnic studies became…
Ethnic studies course features poster of Che Guevara on wall, includes content focused on ‘White Supremacy’ and ‘Privilege’
An ethnic studies classroom in the Pasadena Unified School District features a poster of Che Guevara with the words “Hasta La Victoria Siempre,” or “always until victory.” In a…
Understanding Ethnic Studies Jargon
School officials and activists employ an array of new words and phrases to describe their beliefs and goals. If you see and hear these phrases and can’t figure out what…
Ethnic Studies Promote Antisemitism, Bigotry in U.S. Schools
Parents are understandably concerned with the divisive curricula now taught in America’s schools. Ideas like critical race theory and extreme gender ideology often replace the subjects traditionally taught in core…
Livestream: Ethnic Studies Explained
On this month’s Parents Defending Education Live, we’ll discuss Ethnic Studies. Ethnic Studies is a subject that might be taught in your child’s school. It sort of sounds nice, until…
種族研究可能是您孩子的學校正在教授的一門學科。這聽起來不錯,直到您意識到它試圖將人們撕裂並描繪出關於美國的一幅可怕圖畫。從加利福尼亞到波士頓,幼兒園-12年級學校都在教授種族研究,聽起來好像是在向您的孩子介紹不同的種族。但實際上,它只不過批判性種族理論 (CRT) 的另一個名稱。…
种族研究可能是您孩子的学校正在教授的一门学科。这听起来不错,直到您意识到它试图将人们撕裂并描绘出关于美国的一幅可怕图画。从加利福尼亚到波士顿,幼儿园-12年级学校都在教授种族研究,听起来好像是在向您的孩子介绍不同的种族。但实际上,它只不过批判性种族理论 (CRT) 的另一个名称。…
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