Ethnic Studies is a subject that might be taught in your child’s school. It sort of sounds nice, until you realize that it seeks to tear people apart and paints a hideous picture of the United States. Taught in K12 schools from California to Boston, ethnic studies sounds like it would introduce your child to different ethnicities. In reality, it is critical race theory (CRT) by another name.

Boards of education and school districts are approving and adopting curriculum based in Liberated Ethnic Studies, also called Critical Ethnic Studies. The approved curriculum in California lists “critique empire-building in history and its relationship to white supremacy, racism and other forms of power and oppression” as one of its guiding values.


Ethnic Studies 101

What is Ethnic Studies? Ethnic Studies is a subject that might be taught in your child’s school. It sort of sounds nice, until you realize that it seeks to…


Understanding Ethnic Studies Jargon

School officials and activists employ an array of new words and phrases to describe their beliefs and goals. If you see and hear these phrases and can’t figure out what…


5 Things to Know About Ethnic Studies

At Parents Defending Education, we are troubled by the blatant antisemitic responses to the ongoing crisis in Israel on display here in the United States.  Unfortunately, the hatred that fuels…


Livestream: Ethnic Studies Explained

On this month’s Parents Defending Education Live, we’ll discuss Ethnic Studies. Ethnic Studies is a subject that might be taught in your child’s school. It sort of sounds nice, until…


Liberated Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum Consortium

What is Liberated Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum Consortium? Liberated Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum Consortium (LESMC) is an ethnic studies consultant group whose vision is to “promote the advancement and…


Opting Out

What does it mean to opt out? Do parents have a right to opt children out of aspects of school? What is the process to opt out? What are my…


Curriculum Alternatives

Click to find new alternatives to Social Studies, History, Diversity, and SEL…


CAMERA Education Institute: Ethnic Studies

Ethnic Studies is a relatively young academic area that emphasizes divisions among groups and accentuates grievances and resentment of the white majority. Its unifying theme is that American society exploits…



Scotts Valley Unified School District ethnic studies course teaches students that capitalism, heterosexism, and ableism are ‘systems of oppression and forms of oppression’; requires students to participate in one event with a local activist organization.

Scotts Valley Unified School District’s ethnic studies course includes students developing a “critical consciousness,” understanding that capitalism, heterosexism, and ableism are “systems of power and forms of oppression,” and…


Santa Ana Unified School District Ethnic Studies Courses hail “artivism,” “exploration of Eurocentrism,” blames Israel for “ethnic cleansing,” accuses Israel of UN War Crimes, and refers to Israelis as an “extremist illegal Jewish settler population”

Parents Defending Education received documents of the Santa Ana Unified School District’s ethnic studies curriculum from a public records request submitted by the Zachor Legal Institute. The district’s Ethnic Studies…


Corona-Norco Unified School District’s Ethnic Studies courses champion lessons of “identity,” “race,” “dominate narratives,” “oppression,” “work to recognize your privilege,” and combat “white dominate culture” instructional methods

In response to legislation passed by the California State Assembly requiring all California State University students to take courses in ethnic studies, Corona-Norco Unified School District encourages students to take…




The Free Press: The Kindergarten Intifada

In August, the second largest teachers union chapter in the country—there are more than 35,000 members of United Teachers Los Angeles—met at the Bonaventure Hotel in L.A. to discuss, among…


Antisemitism Now Embedded in America’s Education System

  • Casey Ryan

The world watched in horror as the terrorist group Hamas launched thousands of missiles at Israel and ruthlessly invaded America’s closest ally in the region last weekend. We all witnessed…


Ethnic Studies Promote Antisemitism, Bigotry in U.S. Schools

  • Casey Ryan

Parents are understandably concerned with the divisive curricula now taught in America’s schools. Ideas like critical race theory and extreme gender ideology often replace the subjects traditionally taught in core…


‘Liberated’ Ethnic Studies Do Nothing But Trash America

  • Rhyen Staley

“Smash Capitalism, White Supremacy, Cisheteropatriarchy and Xenophobia” are not merely words making up a slogan being chanted at the latest protest, these words are featured on the front page of…




Exposing $1 Billion in Department of Education grant funding that has entrenched far-left ideologies in education Total ED Grant Money Awarded (2021-present): $1,006,195,605.81 Total number of ED grants (2021-present):…


Going Woke at Mostly Minority Lowell High School

In August 2020, the NAACP launched a new education program, the Education and Civil Rights Initiative, in the University of Kentucky’s Department of Educational Policy Studies and Evaluation to…

Case Studies

Community Responsive Education

What is Community Responsive Education? Community Responsive Education was cofounded by three activist academics — Allyson Tintiangco-Cubales, Jeff Duncan-Andrade and Glenda Macatangay — offering…


Our Transformation of Education

What is Our Transformation of Education? Academic R. Tolteka Cuauhtin, an activist in promoting ethnic studies curriculum, created the organization Our Transformation of Education. What K-12 work has Our Transformation…


Tintiangco-Cubales, Allyson

Who is Allyson Tintiangco-Cubales? In 2014, Allyson Tintiangco-Cubales wrote a book, “Toward an Ethnic Studies Pedagogy: Implications for K-12 Schools from the Research,” in which she argued for the introduction of…
