Ethnic Studies is a subject that might be taught in your child’s school. It sort of sounds nice, until you realize that it seeks to tear people apart and paints a hideous picture of the United States. Taught in K12 schools from California to Boston, ethnic studies sounds like it would introduce your child to different ethnicities. In reality, it is critical race theory (CRT) by another name.
Boards of education and school districts are approving and adopting curriculum based in Liberated Ethnic Studies, also called Critical Ethnic Studies. The approved curriculum in California lists “critique empire-building in history and its relationship to white supremacy, racism and other forms of power and oppression” as one of its guiding values.
Ethnic Studies 101
What is Ethnic Studies? Ethnic Studies is a subject that might be taught in your child’s school. It sort of sounds nice, until you realize that it seeks to…
Understanding Ethnic Studies Jargon
School officials and activists employ an array of new words and phrases to describe their beliefs and goals. If you see and hear these phrases and can’t figure out what…
5 Things to Know About Ethnic Studies
At Parents Defending Education, we are troubled by the blatant antisemitic responses to the ongoing crisis in Israel on display here in the United States. Unfortunately, the hatred that fuels…
Groups Pushing Liberated Ethnic Studies in Schools
(This is preliminary list of the groups currently pushing liberated ethnic studies in K-12 schools. We will add to it as we learn more.)…
Livestream: Ethnic Studies Explained
On this month’s Parents Defending Education Live, we’ll discuss Ethnic Studies. Ethnic Studies is a subject that might be taught in your child’s school. It sort of sounds nice, until…
Liberated Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum Consortium
What is Liberated Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum Consortium? Liberated Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum Consortium (LESMC) is an ethnic studies consultant group whose vision is to “promote the advancement and…
Liberated Ethnic Studies Comes Down the Pike to K-5 Classrooms
In October 2021, Governor Newsom signed California’s ethnic studies mandate for high schools into law. While many school districts are still deciding on the specific curricula contents for their high…
Opting Out
What does it mean to opt out? Do parents have a right to opt children out of aspects of school? What is the process to opt out? What are my…
Curriculum Alternatives
Click to find new alternatives to Social Studies, History, Diversity, and SEL…
CAMERA Education Institute: Ethnic Studies
Ethnic Studies is a relatively young academic area that emphasizes divisions among groups and accentuates grievances and resentment of the white majority. Its unifying theme is that American society exploits…
Santa Rosa City Schools ethnic studies courses feature critical race theory, whiteness, and social justice activism; paid ethnic studies consultant $530,000 over four years.
Santa Rosa City Schools ethnic studies courses include content such as “acting White,” critical race theory, participation in a “privilege walk,” social justice activism, white privilege, and whiteness. One…
Fort Bragg Unified School District ethnic studies course features content that challenges systems that ‘uphold economic and political privileges and power,’ promotes youth activism.
Fort Bragg Unified School District’s ethnic studies course features content such as colonization, intersectionality, systems of power and oppression, and promotes youth activism. The 10th grade course scope…
Milwaukee Public Schools’ Alexander Hamilton High School’s ethnic studies course teaches students to ‘recognize how white privilege functions in everyday social structures and institutions.’
Milwaukee Public Schools’ Alexander Hamilton High School’s Comparative Ethnic Studies course topics include “colorblind racism” and “white privilege.” Course learning outcomes state that students will “develop an understanding…
Alameda Unified School District ethnic studies course features lessons that have students evaluate whether they are ‘privileged’ and ‘oppressed;’ course activities include a ‘privilege walk’
Documents obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request provided to Parents Defending Education from Zachor Legal Institute reveal that Alameda Unified School District’s ninth grade ethnic studies curriculum…
Portland teachers’ union guide reveals that Portland Public Schools teachers have been promoting Pro-Palestine messaging and lessons; guide instructs them on how to push back against administrators.
A guide published in May 2024 titled “Know Your Rights! Teaching & Organizing for Palestine within Portland Public Schools” reveals that district teachers have been promoting Pro-Palestine messaging and…
Multiple Coachella Valley Unified School District courses teach students critical race theory and critical gender theory; blames capitalism for wealth disparity
Coachella Valley Unified School District offers students a number of courses which require that students “learn the theoretical foundations and lens’ of Ethnic Studies and Critical Theory” and “understand…
San Ramon Valley Unified School District ethnic studies course teaches students about systemic oppression and requires activism as final assessment, uses “Critical Race Theory: an introduction” as a core text.
A Freedom of Information Act request response provided to Parents Defending Education by Zachor Legal reveals that a San Ramon Valley Unified School District ethnic studies course teaches students…
Scotts Valley Unified School District ethnic studies course teaches students that capitalism, heterosexism, and ableism are ‘systems of oppression and forms of oppression’; requires students to participate in one event with a local activist organization.
Scotts Valley Unified School District’s ethnic studies course includes students developing a “critical consciousness,” understanding that capitalism, heterosexism, and ableism are “systems of power and forms of oppression,” and…
Hacienda La Puente Unified School District ‘Intersectional Ethnic Studies’ program seeks to teach students from TK-12 to ‘develop a critical lens.’
The Hacienda La Puente Unified School District’s TK-12 Intersectional Ethnic Studies program seeks to teach students to “develop a critical lens” and “critically examine concepts such as race,…
Campbell Union High School District ethnic studies course teaches students to utilize critical race theory, glorifies resistance to ‘oppression,’ and promotes student activism.
A Campbell Union High School District ethnic studies course titled Ethnic Literature and Studies teaches 11th and 12th grade students to use a critical race theory framework,…
Round Rock Independent School District’s Mexican-American Studies course describes restrictions on immigration as oppression, claims the terms “undocumented” and “illegal” perpetuate stereotypes
Parents Defending Education recently obtained documents via public records request that detail the development of Round Rock Independent School District’s Mexican-American Studies curriculum. According to Round Rock ISD’s course catalog,…
Denver Public Schools has mandatory ethnic studies curriculum for ninth grade students that teaches them to embrace collectivism over individualism; teaches students that gender exists on a spectrum; teaches students to “dismantle systems of power”
Parents Defending Education obtained the curriculum to a ninth grade “Introduction to Ethnic Studies” course for the 2023-2024 school year at Denver Public Schools. PDE was told by a concerned…
Champlain Valley School District class on social movements and protest requires students to highlight the work of Palestinian social movements
Parents Defending Education has received documents via public records request detailing the curriculum for Champlain Valley School District’s class focused on social justice and protest. The class, entitled “U.S. and…
San Francisco Unified School District provides resource to social studies and ethnic studies teachers that claims “Israeli terrorism has been significantly worse than that of the Palestinians”; resource defends terrorism against Israel
Parents Defending Education submitted a public records request to the San Francisco Unified School District seeking any emails from board members or statements provided to staff, students, or families regarding…
Fresno Middle School Ethnic Studies Scope and Sequence includes identity worksheet that asks students to analyze their privilege or oppressed status
A copy of Fresno Unified School District’s scope and sequence for 7th and 8th grade ethnic studies includes a unit on “My Identity.” An optional resource linked for the unit…
Healdsburg High School’s Ethnic Studies class focuses on institutional oppression, social construction of race and gender; requires students to teach elementary school students about social justice movements
Parents Defending Education has obtained documents via public records request detailing Healdsburg High School’s proposals for their Ethnic Studies curriculum. The request was submitted by Zachor Legal Institute. The curriculum…
Los Angeles Unified School District’s Ethnic Studies courses promote student activism, focus on White supremacy, settler colonialism, systemic racism
Parents Defending Education has obtained documents detailing the curriculum for many of Los Angeles Unified School District’s Ethnic Studies courses, including Intro to Ethnic Studies, African American Studies, African American…
Santa Ana Unified School District Ethnic Studies Courses hail “artivism,” “exploration of Eurocentrism,” blames Israel for “ethnic cleansing,” accuses Israel of UN War Crimes, and refers to Israelis as an “extremist illegal Jewish settler population”
Parents Defending Education received documents of the Santa Ana Unified School District’s ethnic studies curriculum from a public records request submitted by the Zachor Legal Institute. The district’s Ethnic Studies…
Oxnard Union High School District requires Ethnic Studies course exploring how race and gender are socially constructed to uphold institutions of power
Parents Defending Education has obtained documents via public records request describing the Ethnic Studies curriculum at Oxnard Union High School District. The request was submitted by Zachor Legal Institute. The…
Boston Public Schools’ Ethnic Studies unit features Marxism and decolonization, requires students to engage in activism
Boston Public Schools’ ethnic studies curriculum features a unit titled “Resistance, Transformation, Action, and Change” that features topics such as Marxism and Postcolonialism and includes a summative…
Sequoia Union High School District’s Ethnic Studies curriculum focuses on combatting “Eurocentric framework” and the “Four I’s of Oppression”
Parents Defending Education obtained materials from a public records request for Sequoia Union High School District’s Ethnic Studies curriculum. Proponents of Ethnic Studies as a required course for district 9th…
Mountain View-Los Altos Unified High School District Ethnic Studies course focuses on white supremacy, decolonization, student activism
Parents Defending Education obtained materials from a public records request for Mountain View-Los Altos Union High School District’s Ethnic Studies curriculum. Zachor Legal Institute submitted the request. The curriculum…
Corona-Norco Unified School District’s Ethnic Studies courses champion lessons of “identity,” “race,” “dominate narratives,” “oppression,” “work to recognize your privilege,” and combat “white dominate culture” instructional methods
In response to legislation passed by the California State Assembly requiring all California State University students to take courses in ethnic studies, Corona-Norco Unified School District encourages students to take…
Jefferson Union High School District proposes Ethnic Studies curriculum focused on systems of oppression, colonialism, and student activism
In response to a public records filed by Zachor Legal Institute, Parents Defending Education has received several documents and presentation slides regarding proposed Ethnic Studies curriculum to be integrated across…
Ethnic studies course teaches students the ‘theoretical foundations of Critical Race Theory.’
Coachella Valley Unified School District’s ethnic studies course teaches students Critical Race Theory and how to apply it to “understand how race is socially constructed.” Ethnic studies became…
Ethnic studies course features poster of Che Guevara on wall, includes content focused on ‘White Supremacy’ and ‘Privilege’
An ethnic studies classroom in the Pasadena Unified School District features a poster of Che Guevara with the words “Hasta La Victoria Siempre,” or “always until victory.” In a…
Los Angeles ethnic studies course teaches students to resist ‘white supremacy culture,’ empowers students to become ‘anti-racist leaders’
The Los Angeles Unified School District’s ethnic studies website lists the course outline for “Introduction to Ethnic Studies,” which states that it “centers holistic humanization and critical consciousness,”…
District signs $35,395 ethnic studies contract that includes incorporating Critical Race Theory into training
Hayward Unified School District has agreed to a $35,395 one-year contract with ethnic studies consultant Liberated Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum Consortium. The contract states that the consortium’s services…
Ethnic Studies & Social Justice Academy curriculum focuses on systems of oppression and student activism, website calls to smash “capitalism” and “white supremacy”
New Haven Unified School District’s Ethnic Studies & Social Justice Academy, which is part of James Logan High School, features a curriculum where students “learn to interweave critical…
Seventh and Eighth grade ethnic studies course features ‘Genderbread Person’ activity and unit on ‘Intersectionality’
Long Beach Unified School District’s middle school ethnic studies course description states that students will “understand the politics of privilege and the historical reasons for structural racism, classism and…
Boston Public Schools’ ethnic studies curriculum focuses on oppression and ‘Pillars of White Supremacy’
The Boston Public Schools ethnic studies course curriculum features units focused on “Intersectionality,” “4 I’s of Oppression,” “3 Pillars of White Supremacy and Heteropatriarchy,” and “Transformative…
Tamalpais Union High School District ethnic studies course teaches students “the tenets of critical race theory” and how to use it to analyze historical and current events
Tamalpais Union High School District’s course for grades 10-12 titled “Ethnic Studies: An Examination of Race in the United States” unit 1 learning goals include that “Students will know…
St. Paul Public Schools to add ‘Critical Ethnic Studies’ program, seeks curriculum suggestions related to ‘white supremacy’ and ‘oppression’
St. Paul Public Schools in Minnesota is seeking community feedback for the newest graduation requirement, “Critical Ethnic Studies.” The flyer seeks “submissions” for the course related to the concepts…
Stockton Unified School District ethnic studies curriculum focuses on intersectionality, power, oppression and student activism
Stockton Unified School District’s Ethnic Studies program features learning outcomes such as critiquing “empire-building in history and its relationship to white supremacy, racism and other forms of power and…
Northshore School District ethnic studies program aims to teach students to critique, resist, and transform ‘systems of oppression’
The Northshore School District started an Ethnic Studies Pilot Work Team in January of 2021. According to the pilot work team website, the team members “will be provided…
Santa Ana Unified School District ethnic studies curriculum for 9th graders entirely based in critical race theory and critical gender theory
As part of California’s effort to mandate ethnic studies for all students in Californian schools, the Santa Ana Unified School District has published the curriculum for their 9th grade…
Middleton-Cross Plains School District part of consortium that teaches middle and high school students about intersectionality and collectivism; contracted with Controversial Ethnic Studies Consultant for $500 an hour
In 2019, Middleton-Cross Point hosted the MSAN Consortium Student Conference. The conference featured keynote speakers such as Jose Gonzalez and Bettina Love. MSAN Executive Director Madeline Hafner’s…
Castro Valley Unified School District approves agreement with Liberated Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum Consortium
On January 19, 2022, the Castro Valley Unified School District school board, in a 5-0 vote, approved an agreement with the Ethnic Studies consulting firm Liberated Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum…
Northshore School District uses “Intersectional Diversity Flower” to promote equity; plans to implement “ethnic studies” into curriculum for students
The Northshore School District acknowledges on its website that the district “functions on Coast Salish lands in the areas that have been colonized, occupied, and renamed…
New draft of proposed social studies standards in New Mexico raises alarm bells
The state of New Mexico’s Public Education Department is considering new social studies standards and the “ethnic, cultural and identity studies” category has raised red flags for some parents…
Beaverton School District promises to review social science curriculum with a “Critical Equity Lens”
The Social Science Project Team will review existing Social Science curriculum and practices to make curriculum adoption recommendations to the School Board. The Project Team is an…
Ethnic Studies and Ethnic Literature are now on the menu in Poway Unified School District—district officials say it isn’t critical race theory but it sure looks like it is
The unveiling of two new elective courses on racial equality and inclusion are receiving pushback from parents and residents at Poway Unified School District in San Diego County,…
Ethnic Studies standards require kindergartners to develop an understanding of their racial, gender and religious identity.
The Oregon state standards in Ethnic Studies will be available for teachers to use in the classroom in September 2021 and will become a mandatory part of the curriculum in…
‘Evolve or dissolve’ — Beaverton, Ore., teachers told to accept ‘anti-racism’ teachings or get fired
Here is a video of the closing session. The comments about firing teachers who do not subscribe to this ideology comes at 23:15. Update: 2021 Social Science Standards Integrated…
NATIONAL REVIEW: Budget-Troubled California School District Spent $530,000 on Radical Ethnic-Studies Curriculum
A California school district paid a consulting firm more than half of a million dollars to implement a vast ethnic-studies curriculum, one focused heavily on critical race theory, equitable social-justice…
RED STATE: REPORT: California School District’s Ethnic Studies Course Mandates Progressive Student Activism
The San Ramon Valley Unified School District in California has implemented an ethnic studies course aimed at teaching students concepts related to Critical Race Theory (CRT) and requiring them to…
THE DAILY WIRE: Texas Public School Teaches That ‘Strengthened Immigration Laws’ Are Oppressive
The curriculum also hopes to teach students how to identify “resistance and liberation” tactics and praises a pro-amnesty activist organization…
HUMAN EVENTS: Denver ethnic studies curriculum teaches high schoolers to ‘dismantle systems of power’
Public schools in Denver, Colorado reportedly mandate an “ethnic studies” course for ninth graders which teaches students that gender exists on a “spectrum” and to “dismantle systems of power.”…
THE DAILY WIRE: Denver School District’s ‘Ethnic Studies’ Course Teaches 9th Graders Racial Equity, Gender Ideology
The course includes lessons on “building a collective society.”…
NATIONAL REVIEW: San Francisco School District Directs Teachers to Resources That Condemn ‘Israeli Terrorism’ as Worse Than Hamas
San Francisco Unified School District administrators instructed high-school teachers to engage in classroom discussions about the Israel-Hamas war using an educational resource that argues, “Israeli terrorism has been significantly worse…
THE NATIONAL DESK: Crisis in the Classroom: Ethnic studies class mandate
Ethnic studies classes are mandated in California schools.
THE NATIONAL DESK: Resource asks California middle schoolers whether they are ‘privileged’ or ‘oppressed’
A resource in a California school district asks middle schoolers to analyze whether they are “privileged” or “oppressed,” sparking outrage with a parents’ rights group.
DAILY CALLER: The Real Reason Osama Bin Laden’s Letter Went Viral
TikTokers posted videos sympathizing with the thoughts of Osama Bin Laden. These dummies are reading “A Letter to America” and agreeing with Bin Laden.
WASHINGTON EXAMINER: Los Angeles students trained to be ‘anti-racist leaders’ in required ethnic studies course
Los Angeles Unified School District requires its high school students to “become anti-racist leaders” by learning about “black liberation” and the “four I’s of oppression,” according to school curricula.
TOWNHALL: One School District’s ‘Woke’ Curriculum Focuses on Dismantling ‘Eurocentric Framework’ in Education
Earlier this month, Townhall covered how documents showed that a California school district spent tens of thousands of dollars to create a “woke” curriculum that would focus on systems of…
THE NATIONAL DESK: Students asked to analyze ‘white supremacy,’ read ‘antiracism’ book in Calif. school district
Students in a California school district are expected to be able to analyze “white supremacy,” sparking outrage with a parents’ rights group.
FOX NEWS: The hatred seen on US campuses is ‘taught’
Parents Defending Education president Nicole Neily weighs in on ‘hatred’ seen on college and high school campuses on ‘FOX News @ Night.’…
THE NATIONAL DESK: Students trained to support BLM, other movements in California school district
A California school district is requiring students to draft social media posts in support of social movements, sparking outrage with a parents’ rights group.
TOWNHALL: CA School District Spent Tens of Thousands Creating ‘Anti-Racist’ Curriculum
Late last month, Townhall reported how a new survey explained why more families have chosen to homeschool their children. According to the poll, homeschooling has become more “racially and ideologically…
FOX NEWS: Ethnic Studies school administrator argued some Jewish Americans have ‘control of systemic power’
Castro-Gill is now the executive director of the advocacy organization Washington Ethnic Studies Now…
THE BLAZE: Former school administrator claimed Judaism wouldn’t be central topic in ethnic studies program because ‘for the most part’ Jewish Americans have ‘control of systemic power’
Communications obtained by Parents Defending Education revealed that a former ethnic studies school administrator with Seattle Public Schools claimed that Judaism would not be a central topic in the program…
LOS ANGELES TIMES: Santa Ana Unified readies ethnic studies graduation requirement for next school year
With a hardcover copy of author Angie Thomas’ “The Hate U Give” firmly in hand, Santa Ana English teacher Yuri Lara spoke to parents and students one morning about a…
WASHINGTON EXAMINER: Napa school district offers special ethnic studies guidance for white teachers
A curriculum consultant contracted by a California school district will provide professional development training that includes guidance to white teachers on how to teach ethnic studies, highlighting a nationwide trend…
REDSTATE: California School District Adopts Ethnic Training Sessions for ‘White Teachers and White Students’
A California school district has contracted with a ‘Liberated Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum Consortium‘ training center to provide anti-racism training to teachers and district staff.
TOWNHALL: WA School District Launched an ‘Ethnic Studies’ Program Teaching Students to Resist ‘Systems of Oppression’
The Northshore School District in Washington state launched an ethnic studies program early last year in which an Ethnic Studies Pilot Work Team was offered materials to learn about “transformative…
Parents Defending Education Joins Coalition to Oppose Ethnic Studies Requirement in California Schools
PDE stands alongside a coalition of 27 organizations to oppose AB 101, which would make an ethnic studies course a graduation requirement in all public and charter high schools in…
Press Releases
The Free Press: The Kindergarten Intifada
In August, the second largest teachers union chapter in the country—there are more than 35,000 members of United Teachers Los Angeles—met at the Bonaventure Hotel in L.A. to discuss, among…
Antisemitism is exploding — because we’re teaching hate in public schools
Monday marks the first anniversary of the Hamas slaughter of 1,300 innocent civilians in Israel. Yet as shocking as that attack was to the human conscience, the subsequent reaction to…
Antisemitism Is a Feature, Not a Bug, of K-12 Education
In November, a Queens high school teacher was forced to barricade herself in a locked office as a mob of students rioted through the hallways for two hours. Her crime?…
The radical roots of decolonization
K-12 is teaching ideas from the Zapatistas, Black Panthers and Cuba’s communist revolution…
‘Ethnic Studies’ in U.S. Schools, Hamas’ Attacks are Related
It has been more than two weeks now since 1,400 innocent people were tortured, raped, beaten, and murdered in Israel at the hands of Hamas terrorists.
The Real Reason Why So Many Young Americans Are Siding With Pure Evil
The Oct. 7th terror attack in Israel marked the deadliest day for the Jewish people since the Holocaust.
Antisemitism Now Embedded in America’s Education System
The world watched in horror as the terrorist group Hamas launched thousands of missiles at Israel and ruthlessly invaded America’s closest ally in the region last weekend. We all witnessed…
Insidious antisemitism in K-12 schools
This weekend’s heinous terrorist attack in Israel has united the world in grief.
Ethnic Studies Promote Antisemitism, Bigotry in U.S. Schools
Parents are understandably concerned with the divisive curricula now taught in America’s schools. Ideas like critical race theory and extreme gender ideology often replace the subjects traditionally taught in core…
‘Liberated’ Ethnic Studies Do Nothing But Trash America
“Smash Capitalism, White Supremacy, Cisheteropatriarchy and Xenophobia” are not merely words making up a slogan being chanted at the latest protest, these words are featured on the front page of…
Exposing $1 Billion in Department of Education grant funding that has entrenched far-left ideologies in education Total ED Grant Money Awarded (2021-present): $1,006,195,605.81 Total number of ED grants (2021-present):…
Critical Media Literacy Rooted in Ethnic Studies Curriculum Toolkit
A recently released curriculum toolkit for K-12 educators features content that advocates for teaching anti-Zionism, liberation, anti-capitalism, collectivism, “A Free Palestine,” ending the “occupation,” as well as a vast…
Going Woke at Mostly Minority Lowell High School
In August 2020, the NAACP launched a new education program, the Education and Civil Rights Initiative, in the University of Kentucky’s Department of Educational Policy Studies and Evaluation to…
Case Studies
Community Responsive Education
What is Community Responsive Education? Community Responsive Education was cofounded by three activist academics — Allyson Tintiangco-Cubales, Jeff Duncan-Andrade and Glenda Macatangay — offering…
Our Transformation of Education
What is Our Transformation of Education? Academic R. Tolteka Cuauhtin, an activist in promoting ethnic studies curriculum, created the organization Our Transformation of Education. What K-12 work has Our Transformation…
Tintiangco-Cubales, Allyson
Who is Allyson Tintiangco-Cubales? In 2014, Allyson Tintiangco-Cubales wrote a book, “Toward an Ethnic Studies Pedagogy: Implications for K-12 Schools from the Research,” in which she argued for the introduction of…
Stay Informed