Questions to ask your school about Social Emotional Learning


  1. What is SEL? How do you define it? What is the purpose at this school?
  2. What evidence is there that SEL is necessary?
  3. Is the SEL program meant to positively influence academics? If so, how? 
  4. What are some examples of school districts that have implemented SEL that have had a positive impact on proficiency rates?
  5. What’s the budget for SEL? 
  6. How many staff have been hired to implement SEL?
  7. Is there a review/trial period to assess the success/failure of SEL in our school?
  8. Are you partnering with any companies, organizations or consultants to implement SEL?
  9. How is it going to be implemented?
  10. What are the goals you’re trying to achieve? How will success be measured? 
  11. Do you follow the CASEL framework
  12. Do you approve or disapprove of Transformative SEL? (SEL to advance equity)
  13. Is the plan to include SEL in all subjects in school? Will it be “interwoven” into all school activities? Or will lessons just be given in the homeroom/advisory period?
  14. How many hours a week/month will students spend on SEL?
  15. Do our district’s SEL lessons include lessons on gender identity and/or race?
  16. In what grades are SEL lessons taught?
  17. What is the process for opting out of SEL?
  18. Does the school have an SEL committee? If so, what are its responsibilities? How does a parent join the committee?
  19. What training opportunities do you offer to teachers on SEL?
  20. What information sessions do you offer parents on SEL?