Parkway Schools mandates staff and students to use the preferred pronouns of other students; uses “Genderbread Person” to teach staff about transgender issues


Parents Defending Education submitted a public records request to Parkway Schools seeking any guidance from the district regarding transgender issues. One document that PDE received is titled “Parkway School District Talking Points for Discussions Regarding Students Who Are Transgender or Gender-Diverse in Our Schools.” The document is labeled as “internal document only.”

This guidance mandates that staff and students use the preferred pronouns of other students: “Parkway staff and students will address students who are transgender or gender-diverse by the correct pronouns and names.” Students are also allowed to use the restrooms and locker rooms that match their preferred gender identity. This document was most recently revised on October 12, 2023.

PDE also received a presentation from the district titled “Understanding Gender” that states to “expect discomfort” and “it’s okay to feel confused.” This presentation has a chart that states “Everything is a Spectrum!” The presentation also includes the “Genderbread Person.” The “Genderbread Person” is an image that educators use in an attempt to teach students that gender is on a spectrum. The file of the document is labeled as for “high school sociology and psychology teachers.”

The district provided PDE with another presentation titled “Teaching Gender.” This presentation appears to continue from the “Understanding Gender” presentation as the file was labeled “Understanding Gender part 2.” This presentation states the perceived reasoning why students should be taught about gender ideology:

School is a place where children are taught to respect one another and to learn to work together regardless of their differences. Learning about gender diversity is part of that work. Creating a more tolerant, inclusive, and accepting school environment teaches all children to recognize and resist stereotypes. We teach children to stand up for others, to resist bullying, and to work together.

This presentation also pushes back against parents who disagree with a slide titled “Won’t we go against what some parents are teaching at home?” Another slide is an “Implicit Association Test” on sexuality and transgender issues.

PDE also received the following “Understanding Gender Thought Catcher” document from the district.