Oxford School District provides families and students with surveys that ask them about gender identity and sexual orientation


Parents Defending Education submitted a public records request to the Oxford School District requesting documents and emails regarding transgender and LGBTQ issues. PDE received several documents back, including what appears to be the questions of a survey provided to families. The document was attached to an email provided by the principal of Oxford Middle School at the time. The email was dated December 7, 2020.

The survey questions have a section labeled “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion – assesses parents’ and guardians’ school experiences through the lens of diversity, inclusion and social justice.” One question asks: “Think about your school. How often do you see people of diverse backgrounds?” Another question asks if the school “encourages families to speak out against racism.” The following questions that discuss “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” are also asked:

  • I feel like I can talk to adults from my school about:
    • My religion or faith.
    • My sexual orientation.
    • A disability I have. (if you do not have a disability, you may skip this question)
    • My gender identity. (e.g. man, woman, transgender, something else, etc.)
    • How much money my family has.
    • My race or ethnicity.
    • Where my family is from.
  • Adults from my school value people of different:
    • Religions or faiths.
    • Sexual orientations.
    • Abilities. (e.g. people with disabilities)
    • Gender identities. (e.g. man, woman, transgender, something else, etc.)
    • Incomes.
    • Races or ethnicities
    • Countries.

The survey questions are from the organization YouthTruth. Another document of questions PDE received from the school district are for students. These questions also include references to sexual orientation and gender identity. Questions for high school students on the survey include:

  • Think about your school. How often do you learn about the lives and experiences of people of different:
    • Religions or faiths?
    • Sexual orientations (e.g. gay, straight, bisexual, etc.)?
    • Abilities? (e.g. people with disabilities)
    • Gender identities. (e.g. men, women, transgender, something else, etc.)?
    • Incomes (how much money someone makes)?
    • Races or ethnicities?
    • Countries?
  • My school teaches me about how people have been treated unfairly because of their:
    • Religions or faiths.
    • Sexual orientations. (e.g. gay, straight, bisexual, etc.)
    • Abilities. (e.g. people with disabilities)
    • Gender identities. (e.g. man, woman, transgender, something else, etc.)
    • Incomes. (how much money someone makes)
    • Races or Ethnicities
    • Countries.

PDE received an email exchange dated September 21-22, 2021, that showed students were provided with surveys that asked them about their gender identity. In the email exchange, an employee of the school district who is now listed as the “Director of Federal Programs” made the following statement regarding new surveys and not using YouthTruth anymore: “No, all of your students will take the intermediate/middle school survey. HOWEVER, it is nothing like the controversial survey given last year that asked about their gender identity etc.”

On September 27, 2021, employees of YouthTruth contacted the Oxford School District regarding continuing the surveys. Both employees had their pronouns listed in their email signatures.

Another document PDE received regarding YouthTruth surveys focused on asking students questions about their sexual orientation and gender identity. One question asked: “Do you consider yourself to be: Bisexual; Gay or Lesbian; Heterosexual or straight; Another identity not included above (optional, please describe); I am not sure, Prefer not to say.” The next question asked: “Do you identify as a member of the LGBTQIA+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, and Asexual) community?: Yes, No, Prefer not to say.” The document was to allow districts to modify the surveys.