New Jersey school district policy hides student transitions from parents, tells staff to defy parents who disagree with social transition, recommends family counseling, and refers to ‘Child Abuse’ website.


The Mine Hill Township School District policy for transgender students states that there is “no affirmative duty for any school district staff member to notify a student’s parent of the student’s gender identity or expression” and that “parental consent is not required.”

The district policy also states that when parents disagree with a student’s name and pronoun change, the Superintendent should “consult the Board Attorney regarding the minor student’s civil rights and protections under the NJLAD.” It continues: “School staff members should continue to refer to the student in accordance with the student’s chosen name and pronoun at school and may consider providing resource information regarding family counseling and support services outside of the school district.”

Additionally, the policy adds that school districts should be “mindful of disputes between minor students and parents” and states that “many support resources are available through advocacy groups and resources from the New Jersey Department of Children and Families and New Jersey Department of Education’s ‘Child Abuse, Neglect, and Missing Children’ webpage.”

The district policy was approved by the board on February 25, 2019.