Carmel Clay Schools has gender support plan that appears to be based on Gender Spectrum template
- Issues
- Sex and Gender
Parents Defending Education submitted a public records request to Carmel Clay Schools seeking any guidance the district has regarding transgender issues. The district provided PDE with a gender support plan used for students who identify as transgender. The plan appears to borrow language and questions from Gender Spectrum’s support plan template. The district’s support plan asks for a “student’s gender” and “assigned sex at birth” as if the two were separate. The following questions are asked on the gender support plan:
- Who will be the point person for ensuring these adjustments are made and communicated as needed?
- How will instances be handled in which the incorrect name or pronoun are used?
- Who will be student’s “go to adult” at school?
- Student chooses to use the following restroom(s) on campus.
- Student chooses to change clothes in the following places.
- What are expectations regarding the use of facilities for class trips?
- What are the expectations regarding rooming for any overnight trips?
- Are there any specific social dynamics with other students, families, or staff members that need to be discussed or accounted for?
- Are there lessons, units, content of other activities coming up this year to consider (growth and development, biological body parts, social justice units, name projects, dance instruction, Pride events, school dances, swimming, etc)?
- If the student has asserted a degree of privacy, what are expectations of Carmel Clay Schools if that privacy is compromised? How will a teacher/staff member respond to questions about students gender from:
- “Parents/Community” is provided as part of this question.
The organization Gender Spectrum offers resources specifically targeting “youth” and even teachers. Gender Spectrum offers resources to educators on a page titled “Integrating Gender Diversity Into Everyday Curriculum.” This page explains that the discussion of gender can be integrated into subjects like history, science, mathematics, and even physical education. In targeting the youth, Gender Spectrum offers online chatrooms for children as young as 10 years old who identify as “trans” or “non-binary.”
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