Georgia State University Professor and Atlanta Public School Counselor Promoted “White School Counselors Virtual Summer Affinity Group”
In April 2022, a professor of school counseling at Georgia State University announced that she would be hosting, alongside an Atlanta Public School teacher, a “White School Counselors Virtual…
Atlanta Public Schools Center for Equity and Social Justice Features Zinn Education Project in Its Guidelines for Teaching Controversial Issues
The Atlanta Public Schools Center for Equity and Social Justice has a teacher resource called Guidelines for Teaching Controversial Issues. The document begins with a letter from …
School District of Lancaster Started Equity Initiatives in 2018, Deep Equity Training in 2020 and It Continues Today
The School District of Lancaster, located in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, began adopting equity initiatives as early as 2018 and then adopted Corwin Press’s Deep Equity Training in February 2020. Deep…
Hamilton County Commission Appropriates $70,000 to The CALEB Fund to Address Discipline Disparities And Restorative Practices In Hamilton County Schools
In July of 2022, The Hamilton County Commission voted to appropriate $70,000 to the CALEB fund to address discipline disparities and restorative justices practices in Hamilton County schools. CALEB…
Lyon County School District implements policy to ensure that curriculum taught to students is “culturally responsive”
The Lyon County School District has a policy titled “Equitable Access to Education” that has a revision date of November 16, 2021. The policy explains that…
Michigan Association of Secondary School Principals 2022 EdCon Conference Featured Session, “Putting SEL at the Core of Our Work”
The Michigan Association of Secondary School Principals, or MASSP hosted its annual EdCon Conference on June 27-29, 2022, at the Grand Traverse Resort in Traverse City, MI. This year, the…
Junior high teacher in-service claims biological sex is a spectrum, ‘outing’ LGBTQ students to parents violates privacy laws.
A recent junior high teacher in-service presentation focused on LGBTQ+ issues featured a slide stating that “biological Sex is a spectrum.” As part of the “Why Creating LGBTQ+ Safe…
Allegheny Valley School District provides staff with training on transgender issues
The Allegheny Valley School District provided staff with “Title IX Training” that is dated June 9, 2021. The training involved teaching staff about transgender issues, including the idea that Title…
Omaha Public Schools introduces “Gender Identity Equity Guidelines” that state students have the “authority” over how teachers address them
Omaha Public Schools has “Gender Identity Equity Guidelines” to guide the district in how to handle transgender students. The policy states that students have the…
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