DAILY WIRE: School Board Squirms As Mom Reads Them The Gay Porn In Books Available To Students
A Virginia mom found that books graphically depicting pedophilia were in her child’s school as part of its commitment to diversity and inclusion — so she read from them, verbatim,…
AMERICAN THINKER: A Los Angeles classroom’s leftist decorations rightly offend conservatives
When parents go to Back to School nights at their children’s schools, they’re accustomed to the fact that the teachers have personalized “their” classrooms, filling them with materials related to…
BREITBART: Massachusetts Principal Flaunts Sexuality, Race in Front of Children to Stump for Black Lives Matter
A Massachusetts public high school principal opened the 2021 school year by apparently feeling the need to declare his racial status and sexual preferences to students in an effort to plug Black…
Classroom decorations at Alexander Hamilton High School in Los Angeles include F*** the Police and F*** Amerikkka posters, flags representing Palestine and BLM
A parent with a student at Alexander Hamilton High School contacted Parents Defending Education to complain about what he called the “disgusting brainwashing of students with taxpayer dollars.” He attached…
FOX NEWS: Indianapolis Public Schools promotes racially segregated affinity groups
One of IPS’s affinity groups is for White people and is called ‘Confronting White Privilege’…
Moses Brown (a Friends school) administers intersectionality survey during 8th grade math class; sends home book list that has some parents concerned; publishes 14-page DEI plan
Several parents from Moses Brown, an independent school in Providence, Rhode Island, reached out to Parents Defending Education with concerns about a survey administered to their 8th grade children during…
Truth in Education, Alpharetta, Georgia
Truth in Education based in Alpharetta, Georgia is a 501c3 Nonprofit Organization founded to educate parents and legislators on the radical ideologies being taught in our schools – Critical…
Parent Organizations
The new language in 5th grade health class: in pursuit of “gender literacy,” curriculum revisions now say “a person with a penis” and “a person with a vulva”
Several Baltimore County parents of 5th graders contacted Parents Defending Education with concerns about recent changes to the health curriculum that came about, at least in part, due to health…
Palm Beach County School District Website Recommends Antiracist Teaching Methods, Social Justice Books for Children, and Encourages Students to Support the Black Lives Matter Protests
The School District of Palm Beach County’s Website includes a main menu titled “Understanding Race and Fighting Racism – Helpful Resources for Parents and Students”. The page titled…
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