WASHINGTON EXAMINER: Education advocates launch speech code tracker for public school districts
Parents Defending Education has launched a speech code tracker for public school districts, highlighting the “anonymous snitch systems” that “stifle free speech” at the K-12 level.
Parents and Community Defeat an Unconstitutional Speech Code Resolution in California
Californians for Equal Rights Foundation (CFER) worked with local parents and community members in a successful initiative which blocked the Hate Speech Resolution during the last board meeting on October…
Parent Wins
Honor Above All – Charlotte Latin, Charlotte, North Carolina
Honor Above All is an advocacy group that addresses Charlotte Latin, a private school in Charlotte, North Carolina. The organization’s mission states: “Charlotte Latin was once a school…
Parent Organizations
The Rivers School’s new “Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Individuals” policy mandates speech including parental electronic communication, and allows biological boys access to female restrooms, locker rooms, and sports teams
The Rivers School, an elite private school in Weston, Massachusetts serving grades 6 through 12, recently adopted a gender identity policy…
Runge Independent School District promotes anonymous reporting using website and phone app
Runge Independent School District (TX) promotes on its website the use of STOPit, which is “an online and app-based system, to empower students, parents, teachers and others to…
THE DAILY SIGNAL: How One Mom Is Fighting Against Big Education and for Free Speech
Free speech has been under attack for a long time on college campuses. Now more than ever, students and parents need tools to navigate the woke culture within education.
WASHINGTON EXAMINER: School district says transgender students must be addressed by preferred pronouns
The Boulder Valley School District in Boulder, Colorado , says transgender students have a “right” to be addressed by their preferred pronouns and that a person’s failure to do so…
Harper Junior High teachers are given training on gender identity and pronouns; advised to hang pride flags and use they/them pronouns until told otherwise.
In May 2021, teachers at Frances Harper Junior High School in Davis, California underwent LGBT training where they were taught how to “decolonize their language and deconstruct that which they’ve…
Los Angeles Unified School District trains teachers in using the preferred names and pronouns of transgender students; encourages teachers to call out colleagues who disagree
A staff member at Los Angeles Unified School District stated that he participated in a “cult-retreat-like experience” where faculty had to participate in “socioemotional learning” training that involved “critical social…
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