Oakland Unified School District emails reveal “Teach-in for Gaza” materials featured pro-Hamas, anti-Israel content
A public records request to the Oakland Unified School District revealed educators who are members of the Oakland Education Association (OEA) for Palestine caucus hosted a “Teach-in for Gaza”…
Antisemitism is exploding — because we’re teaching hate in public schools
Monday marks the first anniversary of the Hamas slaughter of 1,300 innocent civilians in Israel. Yet as shocking as that attack was to the human conscience, the subsequent reaction to…
THE NATIONAL NEWS DESK: Virginia teacher criticized for alleged ‘anti-Israel’ assignments
A teacher in Northern Virginia is facing backlash for an assignment parents say promotes anti-Israel views.
New Haven Unified School District’s summer Social Justice Academy for elementary students includes anti-Israel presentation and lessons on privilege, the ‘School-to-Prison Pipeline,’ ‘book banning’ and transgenderism.
Documents included in a Freedom of Information Act request provided to Alliance for Constructive Ethnic Studies (ACES) by concerned parents reveal that New Haven Unified School District’s Social…
THE DAILY WIRE: Virginia Teacher Who Makes Kids Criticize Israel Is Daughter Of Imam At Al Qaeda-Linked Mosque
An Arlington, Virginia public school teacher who made students criticize Israel is the daughter of an imam who served at a mosque where 9/11 hijackers worshipped.
NEW YORK POST: Virginia teacher who taught anti-Israel hate is daughter of imam at mosque where 9/11 terrorists worshipped
An English teacher in Virginia who forced her students to complete assignments laced with anti-Israel rhetoric is the daughter of an imam who worked at a mosque that was attended…
New Trier Township High School District 203 equity liaison signed up for training sessions on “exploring justice for Palestine” and “settler colonialism”; journalism students were encouraged to use sources funded by the government of Qatar
Parents Defending Education submitted a public records request to the New Trier Township High School District 203 seeking emails from staff regarding Israel. One email that PDE received was from…
Arlington Public Schools English Teacher Agitates in District and Classroom about Gaza War; Assigns Biased Projects to Students; Accuses Israel of Settler-Colonialism and Genocide; Notes She Donates to Hamas-linked Charity
Emails obtained via public records request highlight Arlington Public Schools high school English teacher Shayma Al-Hanooti inserting the Israel-Palestine conflict into many aspects of classroom teaching, as well as attempting…
Oakland Unified School District employee accused Israel of “apartheid” and “massacre”; teacher linked to Hayward Unified School District’s ethnic studies program claimed students need to be taught anti-Israel rhetoric to become “active voters”
Parents Defending Education submitted a public records request to the Oakland Unified School District seeking emails that board members both sent and received regarding Israel and a “…
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