Westerville City School District sends email to families attacking the Ohio General Assembly for passing a law banning biological males from female sports


On January 24, 2024, the Ohio General Assembly voted to pass a new law that will prohibit minors from having access to surgeries, hormone blockers, or other forms of therapy to transition to another gender, as well as ban biological males from participating in female sports. On January 26, the school district sent an email to families calling Ohio’s new law “discriminatory.” The school district said in the email:

Ohio’s 135th General Assembly recently acted to override the Governor’s veto of House Bill 68 which, among other things, prevents transgender athletes from playing women’s sports. Legislating such discriminatory measures against Ohio’s LGBTQ+ community now makes it impossible for educational leaders across the state to create educational environments and provide opportunities for ALL children.

The district further stated that “we will strive to ensure other established supports remain in place for the LGTBQ+ children in our schools” and that the district “remains committed to providing educational experiences and environments that support ALL students – especially if they are part of an already-vulnerable group of children.”

The district then explained that the new law may be troubling to some students and that “our school counselors are available to speak with any students who may need additional support during this challenging time.” The email ended with the following line:

We remain steadfast in our efforts to ensure that children learn in safe environments that are welcoming and inclusive for EVERYONE. And, we would like our transgender students and their families to know that you are loved, you are supported, and the Westerville City School District will always be a place Where You Belong.

The statement is also published on the school district’s website.

The Westerville City School District attacked the Ohio General Assembly for passing a new law banning biological males from participating in female sports.