Tintic School District has policy to keep gender identity of students hidden from parents; policy was created by Utah School Boards Association


Parents Defending Education submitted a public records request to the Tintic School District seeking any transgender guidance used for students. The school district provided PDE with a policy titled “Transgender Students.” This policy explicitly states that the gender identity of students can be hidden from parents:

When the parent of a transgender student is given the required notification of a bullying or harassment incident against a transgender student which is motivated by transgender status or gender expression, care should be taken to avoid disclosing the student’s transgender status to the student’s parents if the student has not consented to such disclosure.

The policy also appears to explain that students can use the restrooms and locker rooms and participate in intramural activities according to their preferred gender identity.

PDE submitted a second public records request asking where the language of the policy originated. The district explained to PDE that the policy came from the Utah School Boards Association (USBA).