Scottsdale Unified School District has gender support plan that appears to be copied from Gender Spectrum’s template; appears to keep some parents in the dark regarding their children’s gender identity
- Issues
- Parent Rights
- Sex and Gender
On January 23, 2023, Arizona Independent News reported on a gender support plan that was not previously public from the Scottsdale Unified School District. The news outlet reported: “However, in November and December 2022 the district claimed ‘no documents exist’ to two separate public records requests for a copy of the transgender support plan referenced.” The gender support plan states that the purpose is to ensure a student’s “authentic gender” will be supported at school.
The language of the gender support plan is almost identical to a template created by the organization Gender Spectrum. The district’s document asks for a “student’s gender identity” and “assigned sex at birth.” The plan also appears to keep some parents in the dark regarding their children’s gender identity with the following question: “Guardians aware of student’s gender status?” The following question is then asked next: “Support level is low what considerations must be accounted for in implementing this plan?”

The organization Gender Spectrum offers resources specifically targeting “youth” and even teachers. Gender Spectrum offers resources to educators on a page titled “Integrating Gender Diversity Into Everyday Curriculum.” This page explains that the discussion of gender can be integrated into subjects like history, science, mathematics, and even physical education. In targeting the youth, Gender Spectrum offers online chatrooms for children as young as 10 years old who identify as “trans” or “non-binary.”

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