Regional School Unit 26 has policy to keep gender identity of students hidden from parents


Parents Defending Education submitted a public records request to Regional School Unit 26 seeking any guidance on transgender issues. The district provided PDE with a policy titled “Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Student Guidelines.” The policy is very similar to a policy that PDE received from a public records request to Maine School Administrative District 15 in which the superintendent of the district explained to PDE that the policy was created by the Maine School Boards Association (MSBA). The policy explicitly states that the gender identity of students can be hidden from parents:

The parents should also be included if they initiated the request or the student wishes their inclusion. Staff will use their best judgment as to the interests and safety of the child as to whether parents are included. The student may also request the participation of another adult advocate if they wish. Other personnel might include a social worker, school nurse, teachers, district administrators, or other staff or outside providers as appropriate who can assist in developing a plan for that student.

Staff and students are mandated to use the preferred pronouns of other students: “Any student who requests to be addressed by pronouns different than typical for their gender assigned at birth for reasons of gender identity or gender expression should be addressed by school staff and other students by the name and pronouns they have requested.” Students are also allowed to use the restrooms and locker rooms that match their preferred gender identity.

The district also provided PDE with a “Gender Non-Conforming Student Support Plan.” This plan also states that the gender identity of students can be hidden from parents:

Provide name and position for each participant as outlined in Policy ACAA-A (participants to be considered include but are not limited to the following: the student and one or more of the school counselor and building administrators; parents should also be included if they initiated the request or the student wishes their inclusion (staff will use their best judgment as to the interests and safety of the child as to whether parents are included).