Provo City School District has policy that appears to state that the gender identity of students can be hidden from parents


Parents Defending Education submitted a public records request to the Provo City School District seeking any transgender guidance used for students. The district provided PDE with multiple documents, including three policies titled “Student Confidential Communications,” “Preferred Student Name, Pronouns, and/or Gender Identity Change Request Procedures,” and “Gender-inclusive schools.”

The policy “Preferred Student Name, Pronouns, and/or Gender Identity Change Request Procedures” states that students must have the approval of parents to go by their preferred pronouns and name at school. However, the policy “Student Confidential Communications” appears to explain that the gender identity of students can still be hidden from parents:

All employees of Provo City School District must use his/her best professional judgment when handling information received from a student in confidence. When receiving such information, employees shall advise students of their limitations and restrictions regarding confidentiality. Whenever possible, the student shall be encouraged to disclose any confidences to his/her parent(s)/guardian(s).

The district also provided PDE with a form to change the gender identity of students. This form asks for the “preferred first and middle name,” “preferred gender,” and “preferred pronouns” of students.

Another document that PDE received was titled “LGBTQ+ Advisory Committee” that the district created to promote LGBTQ issues. Goals of this committee are to “advise and present solutions to the Provo City School District in regards to the specific difficulties that LGBTQ+ students are dealing within the PCSD” and “plan district/committee activities and events that will celebrate the various cultures/social differences in the district and bring awareness to Provo City.”

PDE submitted a second public records request to the school district asking where the language of these policies originated. The district provided PDE with a document that contains a list of sources.