Newton North High School hosts panel discussion on “intersectionality of religion and queerness” and “allyship” a drag queen performance during the school day
- Issues
- Sex and Gender
A biology teacher at Newton North is also in charge of their “ToBeGlad” events on April 14th, 2023.
Teachers are invited to sign their classes up for three events. In the morning there is a panel discussion on the “intersectionality of Religion and Queerness”, in the afternoon there is an event about “Allyship” and after-school there is a performance and Q & A with a drag queen named Missy Steak. If teachers choose to attend, there are no permission slips required from parents.

In response to the public attention to the plans principal of Newton North High School sent an email to families to explain and justify the plans for “ToBeGlad Day.” He asserts that the day is planned and run by the students of the school’s Gender-Sexuality Alliance. He explains that drag is “a performance art” that students believed to be “appropriate as part of the celebration for this day.” He states that students who prefer not to attend the performance with their class can go sit in the cafeteria instead.

An email from the interim superintendent reveals that Missy Steak is being paid $200 for the performance out of the the Student Club Account.

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