National Education Association creates new legal rights document to help teachers push back against second Trump administration
- Issues
- Sex and Gender
- Teachers' Union
On January 15, 2025, the National Education Association (NEA) held a webinar for educators on the topic of “Preparing for a Second Trump Administration.” The NEA held another webinar on the topic on January 16 titled “Defending LGBTQ+ Civil Rights in Public Schools.” The main speaker of the January 16 webinar was announced as an NEA senior policy analyst and program specialist “who works in NEA’s human and civil rights department in the Center for Racial and Social Justice.” During the webinar, he provided participants with a legal rights document created by the NEA in response to a second Trump administration. The document states:
Over the past four years, defenders of LGBTQ+ rights have been able to rely on federal law as a backstop against harmful state and local laws and school policies that target transgender students and censor LGBTQ-inclusive curricula. Under a second Trump administration, the inverse will likely be true: the federal government will push to roll back rights, and any affirmative protections for LGBTQ+ individuals and inclusive schools will come from states, municipalities, and individual school districts.
The document encourages states to pass laws to inhibit President Trump’s policies. Teachers are told to “consider advocating for school board policies that express support for LGBTQ+ students’ rights and inclusion, and that seek to ensure a safe, affirming and welcoming environment for all students.” The document also encourages LGBTQ activist teachers to challenge laws that prohibit implementing LGBTQ ideology into classrooms:
In states and districts that implement policies that censor LGBTQ-inclusive curricula, including banning books, if you are instructed to remove materials from classrooms or school libraries, you should comply with this directive and immediately notify your union and local or state legal counsel to discuss options for challenging the policy.
Teachers are encouraged to implement LGBTQ ideology into their curricula: “We know that inclusive curricula and pedagogical approaches are vital for LGBTQ+ students to thrive at school. In states and districts where there are no specific policies prohibiting educators from implementing a more inclusive curriculum, talk to your school principal about the importance of doing so.” Teachers are also encouraged to sponsor GSA clubs, display pride stickers, use preferred pronouns, and “vote for and help elect local, state and national candidates who will pass laws to protect LGBTQ+ rights.”
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