Madison Elementary School sells LGBTQ shirt to promote pride month; celebrates pride month with LGBTQ decorations throughout school


On June 6, 2023, Madison Elementary School in Olympia, Washington promoted selling an LGBTQ-themed shirt for pride month on Facebook. The school stated in the post that “this is a great opportunity to get your Madison exclusive Madison Lion Cub Pride t-shirt.” The online store for the shirt is now closed but an image of the shirt appears to be on the school’s homepage. An additional image on the homepage also shows a young child wearing the pride shirt.

The elementary school sold an LGBTQ shirt for pride month.
The school’s homepage appears to have a photo of the shirt.

The elementary school changed its cover photo on Facebook to include the pride flag on June 1, 2023. The school also uploaded a video to YouTube promoting pride month.

On June 12, 2023, the elementary school posted on Facebook that “pride month is underway at Madison.” The post showed LGBTQ decorations throughout the elementary school, including images of people for “LGBTQ+ Past” and “Icons Present.” These photos include several controversial figures.