Los Angeles Unified School District plans week of action for elementary students for “National Coming Out Day”
- Issues
- Indoctrination
- Sex and Gender
On September 27, 2023, City Journal reported that the Los Angeles Unified School District would be celebrating “National Coming Out Day” in elementary classrooms during the week of October 9-13, 2023. The school district is also celebrating October as “LGBTQ+ History Month.” City Journal provided a document titled “Week of Action Toolkit – Elementary” sent to the news outlet by a teacher within the district.
The document provides elementary teachers with an “identity Map” to use when teaching young children during this week. This identity map focuses on the identity of students, including their “race,” “ethnicity,” “gender identity,” “religion,” “sexuality,” and “mental health.” The purpose of the identity map is to teach students about “intersectionality.”
Teachers will have students create their own images with the identity map, and these images will be shared with the district. The document also has a famous transgender person to discuss with students each day of the week. These famous people include Jazz Jennings and Elliot Page, who is an actor previously known as Ellen Page.
The document also has a pledge for students to sign. This pledge explains that students who sign will “use kind language when talking about all teachers, staff, classmates and their families even if they are different from themselves,” “be an Upstander by sticking up for others, if safe to do so, otherwise they will ask a grown up for help,” and “encourage and teach others to be allies.”
The document also links to a “Defining LGBTQ Words for Elementary School Students” document created by the Human Rights Campaign. This document is intended to teach elementary children about terms such as “cisgender,” “gender binary,” “gender identity,” “non-binary,” “sex assigned at birth,” “transgender or trans,” “pansexual,” “gay,” and “queer.”
The Human Rights Campaign is a political organization that advocates for corporations and schools to adopt LGBTQ issues in their businesses and curricula. The organization has a history of working with schools, teachers unions, and the federal government to push LGBTQ activism into the nation’s education system. The organization additionally promotes using lawsuits to block laws that would protect children from being taught gender ideology while at school.
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