Livonia Public Schools appears to teach students to use each other’s preferred pronouns


Concerned community members reached out to Parents Defending Education regarding the incorporation of gender ideology into the curriculum at Livonia Public Schools. PDE found a “Sex Education Parent Information” page on the district’s website. The page links to a presentation for parents of high school students titled “Sexuality Education – Parent Meeting.” The presentation appears to show that students will learn to use each other’s preferred pronouns. Students are shown in an image saying the pronouns “She,” “He,” and “They” and the newly created pronouns “Ze” and “Zhe.”

The document also links to a video from the organization AMAZE. While the video does not mention gender ideology, AMAZE is an organization that promotes “PRIDE resources” for children as young as toddlers on its website. In a document titled “Understanding Gender Diversity,” the organization provides caregivers with lessons to help “guide conversations with children on gender diversity, including gender identity and expression.” The lessons include books like My Princess Boy and When Aidan Became a Brother. AMAZE describes My Princess Boy as a story “about a little boy who loves the color pink, sparkly things, and being a princess.” The organization describes When Aidan Became a Brother as about a girl who transitioned to being a boy. Both books are aimed at children as young as 4 years old.

The website for Stevenson High School within the district has a page promoting the school’s GSA club. The school explains that GSA “stands for Gay Straight Alliance as well as Gender & Sexuality Alliance.” The page explains that the club “provides safety and confidentiality” for students “struggling with their identities as gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, or questioning.”

The page also has a section labeled as “Activism.” The page states under this section: “GSA works to educate ourselves and the broader school community about sexual orientation and gender identity issues. Topics include LGBTQ history, pride, or awareness, as well as teaching others how to be better allies for LGBTQ students or how to be more empathetic toward others in general.”

The school promotes a GSA club.
A goal of the GSA club is “activism.”