Juneau School District has sexual education curriculum that teaches middle school students about “gender identity” and “gender expression”; uses resources from Planned Parenthood
A concerned community member reached out to Parents Defending Education regarding a sexual education curriculum that the Juneau School District teaches students in the ninth grade. While the concerned community member explained that the curriculum came with a form to opt out, it is heavily based in gender ideology and based on information from known political organization that push gender ideology onto children. The curriculum includes lessons for students as young as middle school. Students in middle school learn material from the organization AMAZE, which is known for pushing gender ideology onto children.
Middle school students are taught to “differentiate between gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation” with AMAZE being a resource. Another resource for middle school students is the organization Love Is Respect, which also pushes gender ideology onto students.
For ninth grade, Planned Parenthood is listed as a resource. In recent years, Planned Parenthood has advocated for young children to learn about LGBTQ issues and gender ideology. Ninth grade students are also taught to “differentiate between gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation” and “define emergency contraception and its use.”
In another section of the curriculum labeled as “Guaranteed Health Content (Grades 6-12) – To be delivered outside of the Health Class to all students annually,” Planned Parenthood is listed as a source in this mandated material for students. The opt out form also discusses that employees of Planned Parenthood may even teach the lessons to students. Additional sources listed for the curriculum include the Social Emotional Learning (SEL) organizations CASEL and Sources of Strength.
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