Jerome Joint School District mandates that teachers keep the gender identity of students secret from parents
- Issues
- Parent Rights
- Sex and Gender
Jerome Joint School District has a policy for students titled “Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation” that is dated as revised on November 15, 2022. The policy explains that the gender identity of students can be kept a secret from parents: “In the case of middle/junior high school students and high school students, the principal or building administrator is encouraged to request a meeting with a transgender student and, if the student grants permission, with their parent/guardian upon the student’s enrollment in the District or in response to a currently enrolled student’s change of gender expression or identity.”
The policy then explicitly explains that school staff and teachers should not tell parents about their children’s gender identity:
School employees should not disclose a student’s transgender status or sexual orientation to other Individuals, regardless of setting, including the other school personnel or (in the case of middle school, junior high school, and high school students) the student’s parents/guardians, unless they have a legitimate need to know or unless the student has authorized such disclosure.
The district then appears to explain that students can use the preferred pronouns and names of their choosing: “A student is not required to legally change their name, gender, or official school records as a prerequisite to the use of a name and the pronouns consistent with the student’s identity.” The district also explains that transgender training may be provided to staff, students, and parents: “The District may conduct staff development or awareness activities for students or parents on transgender issues or gender diversity.”
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