District ‘Nondiscrimination’ policy revision includes keeping gender transition from parents


San Francisco Unified School District adopted a revised version of its “Nondiscrimination/Harassment” policy in October. The revision includes “A student’s transgender or gender-nonconforming status is his/her private information and the District will only disclose the information to others with the student’s prior written consent.” The policy continues by noting that an exception is allowed “when the District has compelling evidence that disclosure is necessary to preserve the student’s physical or mental well-being.  In the latter instance, the District shall limit disclosure to individuals reasonably believed to be able to protect the student’s well-being.”

The district policy also states that as “appropriate given the physical, emotional, and other significant risks to the student, the compliance officer may consider discussing with the student any need to disclose the student’s transgender or gender-nonconformity status to his/her parents/guardians and/or others, including other students, teacher(s), or other adults on campus”

Per the policy, compliance officers “shall accept the student’s assertion unless District personnel present a credible basis for believing that the student’s assertion is for an improper purpose.” The compliance officer is also responsible for arranging a “meeting with the student and, if appropriate, his/her parents/guardians to identify potential issues, including transition-related issues, and to develop strategies for addressing them.”