Dallas Independent School District teacher reached out to transgender clinic for assistance with GSA club; gender clinic provided district with transgender resources


On May 21, 2024, the Dallas Express reported that the Dallas Independent School District “sought the advice of an LGBTQ-centered clinic on how to better enable ‘youth transitioning.'” The news outlet obtained emails between a LGBTQ youth support services coordinator of the district and the transgender clinic Resource Center which “offers transgender hormone administration and reference letters for cross-gender surgeries.” The emails discussed “supporting students who identify as transgender.”

The email exchange occurred in 2020 and started with the Resource Center representative explaining that a teacher at E.D. Walker Middle School reached out for help with the school’s Genders & Sexualities Alliance (GSA) club. The district’s LGBTQ coordinator then asked: “Do you have any literature that you can provide about youth transitioning?” One of the district’s campuses had “just called and wants to provide education materials to staff.”

The Resource Center representative then reportedly provided a document from the Human Rights Campaign and told the district employee that it “can help to speak with someone who has transitioned.” The district employee then stated that she wanted to start implementing “Gender Support Plans on campuses.”

The Dallas Express reported on an email exchange between the district and transgender clinic.

The Resource Center has programs that specifically target youth. The group has a program called “Youth First” for people between the ages of 12 and 18. The Resource Center states: “Here, teens can be authentic, make friends, boost self-esteem and learn how to make healthy choices.” The May calendar for Youth First promotes evening programs for kids on topics such as “queer sex ed” and “gender identity” for children as young as 12.

The Research Center targets youth as young as 12.
Events for youth include “queer sex ed” and “gender identity” lessons.