Chicago Public Schools require teachers to deceive parents about their children’s newly declared gender identities


Chicago Public Schools sent out a memo in December of 2018 about district policies for “supporting transgender and gender nonconforming students.” It is not lost on us that this memo, outlining plans to deliberately deceive parents and guardians, was titled Integrity Memo #11.

The documents below explicitly state that parental consent/notification is not required for students to change their name and pronouns at school or for the district to change them in the electronic student information system. All documents and records that parents see will maintain the child’s legal name and biological sex. Additionally, transgender and gender nonconforming students are permitted to sleep where they choose on overnight field trips; biological sex is irrelevant. As you’ll read below, “notification of accommodations is not required to either the parent(s)/guardian(s) of the transgender student or those of their peers.”

Chicago Public Schools has a Supporting Gender Diversity Toolkit for staff that includes what they deem to be “key terms” and a gender support plan. The gender support plan does not require parental knowledge or consent.

Below are screenshots taken by a teacher during an online presentation in CPS.

It is important to note that less than a third of students in Chicago Public Schools score proficient in reading and math. Below are the most recent NAEP (National Assessment of Educational Progress) scores for 4th graders and 8th graders in Chicago Public Schools.