Azusa Unified School District appears to have an agreement with LA County for Planned Parenthood to manage district health education and operate clinics inside district schools


Azusa Unified School District appears to have a Memorandum of Understanding with the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health Division of Substance Abuse Prevention and Control and Planned Parenthood to establish and administer “Student Well-Being Center’s (SWCs)” in district schools.

A description of responsibilities include “health education,” “support groups for students with health concerns (physical and emotional) may be offered at the discretion of the County,” and “sexual health services including education and counseling, limited Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) testing and treatment, and over the counter contraceptives.”

In 2021, Azusa Unified School District entered into an agreement with Planned Parenthood as part of its “Community Schools Initiative” that included a “school-based reproductive health clinic.”

On May 7, 2024, the County of Los Angeles approved an amended “sole source contract with Planned Parenthood Los Angeles [PPLA]” in support of “Student Well Being Center Services.” The contract includes paying PPLA $1,400,000 through June 30, 2025, using Federal funds from a Substance Use Prevention, Treatment and Recovery Services Block Grant (SUBG).

Contracted “Scope of Work” includes managing and coordinating “Public Health Educator Trainings,” training and coaching “Public Health’s Health Educators to mentor youth leaders to serve as resources for behavioral health risks (tobacco, drug, alcohol use) and sexual health information,” and staffing a “confidential” call center for students.