Arlington Public Schools English Teacher Agitates in District and Classroom about Gaza War; Assigns Biased Projects to Students; Accuses Israel of Settler-Colonialism and Genocide; Notes She Donates to Hamas-linked Charity


Emails obtained via public records request highlight Arlington Public Schools high school English teacher Shayma Al-Hanooti inserting the Israel-Palestine conflict into many aspects of classroom teaching, as well as attempting to influence fellow teachers and the administration. She is still employed in the district.

In the classroom and the broader high school community, Al-Hanooti used her position to repeatedly promote a one-sided narrative of the conflict.

An assignment due on January 25 was on the documentary “Born in Gaza,” – a documentary with a clear political perspective – which led the school’s principal to reach out to the teacher about how this lesson tied into state ELA (English and Language Arts) standards:

On January 30, students were assigned “South Africa vs. Israel at the Hague: Analysis of Rhetorical Appeal and Logical Fallacies.” Prompts included:

  • What purpose does the use of the word “defend” or “self-defense” have when used by the Israeli legal team?
  • How does Israel use the Holocaust to victimize themselves show an example of a logical fallacy?
  • How do people like Galit Raguan utilize rhetoric and logical fallacies to build the argument that Israel should not be guilty of genocide?  
  • Can appeal to hypocrisy be seen with South Africa’s argument.
  • To what extent does Israel or South Africa’s use of red herrings weaken their argument?
  • What purpose does the use of the word “defend” or “self-defense” have when used by the Israeli legal team?
  • What impact does the use of pathos have on the audience and why would Israel use it?

Another assignment due February 25 centered on the book “Gaza Writes Back,” a collection of short stories that also clearly focused on only one side of the conflict.

On November 1, a student walk-out took place at the high school; the principal expressed support for the students and asked that the leaders work with the administration going forward. Al-Hanooti asserted that students were fearful to engage, to which the principal responded that students are required to talk with school leaders because events inside the building or during walk outs can be disruptive to the school. He then directly asks her “Also, staff cannot lead or participate in a student led civil demonstration on campus. Shayma, I want to make sure that is understood and clarify that at no time did kids come to you and ask you to lead the civil demonstration, is that correct?”

On December 7, Al-Hanooti contacted the high school’s principal and vice principal over another student walkout, accusing the administration of intimidation and silencing student voices and demanding answers from school leadership (and in a subsequent email, from district leadership).

As the advisor to the school’s Muslim Student Association, Al-Hanooti advised on a February 2024 after school event, inviting a locally-based policy expert. When the issue of bringing in another panelist for “balance” was raised, she responded “We can go with someone ‘from the liberal Zionist camp’ OR … what do you all think about bringing in a Palestinian who has family in Gaza? [REDACTED], does anyone come to mind? My thinking is that the default narrative around here is pretty Zionist – why continue to provide that perspective, when what is sorely missing in mainstream discourse is perspectives of Palestinians/Arabs?”

Al-Hanooti’s interactions with the district and school on this issue are regularly confrontational.

On October 18, Al-Hanooti emailed the all-staff list at Washington-Liberty High School about the conflict; asserting that there was a “genocide of over 1 million Palestinians unfolding before our eyes,” she falsely claimed that Israel bombed a hospital, provided one-sided links to her colleagues from sources including the Zinn Education Project, Social Justice Books, and Teach Palestine. She invites staff to join a book club, with the first reading being “The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine: A History of Settler Colonialism and Resistance, 1917–2017.”

Several teachers pushed back on the hospital claim; one individual responded that evening by pointing out that the hospital incident was actually the fault of Palestinian militants, to which Al-Hanooti responded “Let’s suppose you’re right… what about my email does that detail really change?” The other teacher asked “You wouldn’t be advocating beheading babes? Would you? News that is bias or just plain incorrect is either intentionally or unintentionally intended to sway an individual’s perception of an event or environment. Yes it does change things.” Al-Hanooti denied the veracity of the Hamas infanticide, saying “I don’t know what news you’re following, but Israel admitted they couldn’t verify that story was true. You asking me if I advocate for beheading babies is sickening and reveals your deep Islamophobia. Channel your energy into learning about settler colonialism of Palestine or don’t say anything at all.”

Al-Hanooti repeatedly insists that this is not a war or conflict, but rather a “settler colonial genocide.”

The principal asked to speak with Al-Hanooti about her email, to which she responded, “Is your concern that you’ve heard from colleagues and Syphax? Or is your concern the genocide of Palestinians? I’m confused.”

On October 24, another fellow teacher asked where to send funds to help the children in Gaza; Al-Hanooti noted that she gives personally to Baitulmaal and Islamic Relief. An investigation into terrorist financing networks by the Middle East Forum found that Bait-ul-Maal – which has also been promoted by Rep. Rashid Tlaib – has significant ties to Hamas:

In Gaza, Baitulmaal works closely with the Unlimited Friends Association (UFA), a leading Gazan charity aligned with senior Hamas leaders. UFA often hosts events to sponsor “the families of martyrs and prisoners.” These events include collaboration with prominent Hamas figures such as Mustafa Sawwaf, who calls “Israel’s disappearance … a necessity [according to] the Koran”; as well as Mohamed Abu-Shkian, a senior Hamas leader who praises the “strikes of the mujahideen” and leads events in Gaza lionizing slain terrorist operatives.

UFA works with a number of American 501(c) organizations, but it is particularly close to Baiultmaal. In fact, UFA director Jomaa Khadoura (who has called on God to “cleanse Al-Aqsa from the impurity of the Jews.”) claims to have previously served as a Baitulmaal official.

Baitulmaal also fundraises for the Yazour Charitable Association, which Hamas media has confirmed is “affiliated” with the terrorist group. One Palestinian newspaper reports that Baitulmaal and this Hamas front have been working together “for years.”

Baitulmaal also supports the Hamas-run Generosity Without Limit Association, whose officials include members of Hamas’s various “Popular Resistance Committees.”

On November 6, AL-Hanooti emailed the school board excoriating them for not being more vocal about the Middle East, including the following claims:

  • “This isn’t a war. Palestine does not have a military. It has resistance groups. Under international law, resistance is justified when people are occupied”;
  • That “active ethnic cleansing” and “crimes against humanity” are taking place;
  • “Israel, like Russia, is the oppressor, aggressor, and the occupier, attempting to illegally annex more land, at any cost”;
  • Israel is an apartheid regime; and
  • “Israel is committing genocide”.