Moirao, Daniel


  • Joliet School District, IL - 2021 -$55,000 for District Equity Training Download

School Districts


Report Details

Who is Daniel Moirao?

Daniel Moirao describes himself as the “lead equity warrior at Dr. Dan Presents.”

According to his LinkedIn page, he “works with professionals and the communities they serve to disrupt equality to achieve equity for all the students we serve.”

The LinkedIn profile continues: “He is a champion for creating a greater society where we value and appreciate our many similarities and our many differences. Dr. Dan is committed to ending oppression and suppression which means a systemic change in our society as we know it today.”

His profile lists him as a self-employed consultant since 2008. He briefly served as acting superintendent and interim assistant superintendent of educational services of the Dublin Unified School District in California. 

What K-12 work has Daniel Moirao done?


Joliet School District

In 2021, Joliet School District paid Daniel Moirao a fee of $55,000 to conduct “District Equity Training.”