Camden Rockport Schools has “Transgender Student Support Plan” that states the gender identity of students can be hidden from parents; asks for a student’s “Legal (Dead) Name”


Parents Defending Education submitted a public records request to Camden Rockport Schools seeking any guidance on transgender issues. The district provided PDE with a document labeled as a “Transgender Student Support Plan.” This plan at the top asks for a student’s “Legal (Dead) Name” as well as “pronouns” and “gender identity.”

The second section of the plan is for “how public or private information about this student’s gender status will be handled.” One category in this section states that the gender identity of students can be hidden from parents: “Parents/family and guardians are UNAWARE (communication in birth name).” A question then asks: “If the student’s family/guardians are unaware, how would the student like the potential disclosure situations?” Examples of incidents for this question include “what if a staff accidentally ‘slips'” and “what if paperwork goes home with the incorrect name.”