Baltimore County Parent and Student Coalition

Parent Organizations

Baltimore County Parent and Student Coalition is based in Baltimore, Maryland. The organization’s mission states:

“We are a coalition of parents and students concerned about the prolonged closure of schools and lack of an option for in-person learning for our students during the 2020-2021 academic year. We have advocated for a choice to send our students back into the school building since the fall of 2020.We want to see a clear and defined plan for the return 5-day a week in-person in the fall of 2021.We, BCPASC, are trying to hold BCPS leadership accountable for their actions and decisions.

We, BCPASC, are advocating for the students. We are not anti-other groups, but pro-students. We plan to continue the coalition’s work into the future to provide accountability and oversight to BCPS, even after schools are open full time, so our students receive the best quality education. We plan to share information regarding BCPS practices and policies with the group and encourage members to advocate for high standards and transparency from all stakeholders.”