Generation Ready Inc.


  • ABC Unified School District, CA - 2019 - $42,000 for Equity Training Download
  • Joliet Public School District No. 86, IL - 2018-2019 - $73,000 for Numerous Contracts Download
  • Joliet Public School District No. 86, IL - 2018 - $55,000 Proposal Download

School Districts



Report Details

What is Generation Ready Inc.? 

On Feb. 11, 1994, Sari Factor, chief executive officer, registered the company as the Australian United States Services in Education, Inc. with the New York Secretary of State. The company is now named Generation Ready Inc.

Its website featured a quote by Mike Cox, superintendent of Osceola School District, stating, “If you want to change the culture or climate of a school, start with the adults and the kids will follow.”

On her resume, Nicole Anderson, owner of Nicole Anderson Consulting, listed herself as an education consultant with Generation Ready Inc.

What services does Generation Ready Inc. offer? 

In September 2021, Generation Ready advertised “Comprehensive Needs Assessment” that “support your school’s continuous cycle of improvement by providing an external lens on all of your efforts to foster student achievement.” It said: “For nearly 25 years, we have partnered with schools and districts to focus on the quality of education being provided and its impact on student learning and achievement.”

At the start of the new 2021-2022  school year, the company posted a “Self Care” checklist on Twitter for teachers, with tips including: “Take care of your body,” “Remember, technology failures are not your fault” and “Above all, be kind to yourself.” The company wrote: “To support schools, our consultants have been helping with Social and Emotional Learning (#SEL). Contact us to find out why teachers are saying, “Best session ever!” about our SEL work.”

What K-12 work has Generation Ready Inc. done?

Generation Ready identifies many of the school districts for which it works on its website.


ABC Unified School District 

On Aug. 23, 2019, ABC Unified School District, based in Cerritos, California, signed a $42,000 contract with Generation Ready to run “Equity Institutes.” The payments were $3,000 per session.


Joliet Public School District No. 86

Between 2018 and 2019, Joliet Public School District No. 86 paid $73,000 to Generation Ready for various services, including $55,000 paid through Purchase Order No. 91212 on Aug. 1, 2018, for workshops with “monthly principal meetings and district support” and “Equity Walks and school site support.”