School Districts


Report Details

Who is Damon Williams?

Based in Atlanta, Georgia, Damon Williams is former chief officer for diversity, equity and educational achievement at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He calls himself “Chief Catalyst” at the Center for Strategic Diversity Leadership and Social Innovation in Atlanta. He has clients largely in higher education and business but calls himself “one of the nation’s recognized experts” in “youth development” and “educational achievement.”

He describes himself as a member of the Black Abolitionist Network. One event in which he participated in July 2021 was titled, “Abolition requires that we change one thing: everything.”

What K-12 work has Damon Williams done?

In October 2016, Manteca Unified School District @LogicMUSD, headquartered in Manteca, California, east of San Francisco, posted a tweet, “Excited for the day with @DAWPHD #proudtobemusd #bgcaschoolpartners #bgcagreatfutures,” promoting an event facilitated by Williams to support the Boys & Girls Club of America. Val Verde Superintendent Michael McCormick posted a tweet that Williams “‘crushed’ it today.” Gil Noam, an official at Partnerships in Education and Resilience @PEARImpact, also spoke.