School Districts
- Pleasanton Unified School District
- Santa Rosa City Schools
- 6/28/2020 - Calvert County Public Schools, $7,200
- 6/29/2020 - Calvert County Public Schools, $800
- 2020-2021 - Ipswich Public Schools, $6,600
- Veritas Prep Charter School
New Jersey
- Piscataway Township Schools
New York
- Oyster-Bay-East Norwich Central School District
- Pioneer Central Schools
- Salamanca City Central School District
- Somers Central School District
- Williamsville Central School District
- North Canton City Schools
- South-Western City School District
- Tulsa Public Schools
- Penn Hills Central School District
- Soulsville Public Charter School
- Loudoun County Public Schools
Report Details
What is the Chiariello Consulting Group Inc.?
On June 14, 2014, Chiariello Consulting Group Inc., based in Elmont, New York, was registered with the New York Secretary of State as a corporation.
In her LinkedIn profile, the company’s founder, Emily Chiariello, a former Teach for America instructor, described herself as an independent consultant “specializing in equity and diversity in K-12 settings.”
She included her credentials as a former staffer at Children’s Defense Fund’s Freedom Schools program and The Southern Poverty Law Center’s Teaching Tolerance Project and One World Education. She called herself the “chief architect” of Teaching Tolerance’s “award-winning literacy-based anti-bias K-12 curriculum” and its “Perspectives for a Diverse America,” as well as author of articles about “the school to prison pipeline, culturally competent instructional coaching and white racial identity.” She also said she was the author of Social Justice Standards, the “first-ever set of benchmarks for anti-bias education.”
On her website, Emily Chiariello writes: “I am the chief architect of the award-winning literacy-based anti-bias K-12 curriculum….I designed instructional tools such as Civil Rights Done Right and Reading Diversity and was central to the development of resources like Teaching ‘The New Jim Crow’ and Critical Practices for Anti-bias Education.”
She also writes: “I have authored articles about the school to prison pipeline, culturally competent instructional coaching, white racial identity and diverse literature.”
The company lists its clients on its website.
What K-12 work has the Chiariello Consulting Group Inc. done?
Pleasanton Unified School District
Chiariello Consulting Group facilitated two days of anti-bias professional development at the Pleasanton Unified School District’s Summer Institute. The contract was for $5,700 for “Chiariello Onsite Professional Development Curriculum,” paid April 18, 2018. The company provided “Professional Development and Training” and “Content Design, Development and Writing.”
Santa Rosa City Schools
Chiariello Consulting Group facilitated a customized two-day institute,”Equity in Pedagogy, Curriculum and Instruction”, to a group of educators in Santa Rosa City Schools in California.
Calvert County School District
Ipswich Public Schools
In 2020, Ipswich Public Schools spent $6,600 to hire Chiariello Consulting Group for “Anti-bias Curriculum Development and Implementation.”
Salamanca City Central School District
In 2016, Chiariello Consulting Group delivered professional development to Salamanca City Central School District middle and high school faculty on bias-based bullying. The company presented to students in grades six through 12 on the topic of celebrating a diverse school community.
Williamsville Central School District
Chiariello Consulting Group provided a variety of professional development opportunities, on a range of equity and diversity topics, for Williamsville Central School District administrators, teachers, school counselors and student support staff, in a multi-year contract.
Penn Hills Central School District, Pennsylvania
Chiariello Consulting Group designed and facilitated a diversity and equity professional development cohort to build cultural competency and address topics relevant to diversity and equity for the Penn Hills School District in Penn Hills, Pennsylvania. It provided “anti-bias” professional development to the full faculty at Penn Hills elementary, middle and high schools (January/February/March/April).
Chiariello Consulting Group designed and facilitated a diversity and equity professional development cohort to build cultural competency and address topics relevant to diversity and equity for the Penn Hills School District in Penn Hills, Pennsylvania. It provided anti-bias professional development to the full faculty at Penn Hills elementary, middle and high schools (Sept/Oct/Nov).
Chiariello Consulting Group was hired to redesign high school English curriculum for the Penn Hills School District with “rigorous” standards that promote “student-centered and standards-based thematic units, more diverse authors and texts, and the use of culturally relevant assessments.”