Parents Defending Education’s Response to U.S. Department of Education’s proposed changes to Title IX
Press Releases
On Thursday, June 23, 2022 the U.S. Department of Education released proposed changes to Title IX Regulations. The full press release can be found here.
American families should be deeply concerned by the proposed rewrite of Title IX. From rolling back due process protections, to stomping on the First Amendment, to adding ‘sexual orientation and gender identity’ into a statute that can only be so changed by Congressional action, the Biden Administration has shown that they place the demands of a small group of political activists above the concerns of millions of families across the country. Fortunately, parents across the country have found their voices over the past two years, and I have no doubt that they will be speaking up from coast-to-coast in the months ahead to stop this federal overreach.
Nicole Neily, President, Parents Defending Education
The Biden Administration’s ‘Must Say They’ Title IX rewrite is a show of force by the federal government on behalf of activists that would unconstitutionally compel the speech of schoolchildren and college students.
Title IX has always guaranteed single sex restrooms, locker rooms, and interscholastic athletics. A shift from biological sex to gender identity means that girls and women will be forced to accept the presence of biological males in what have always been single-sex spaces. It means that female students will be forced to use the same restroom as biologically male classmates and staff members, who identify as girls and women, and will likely be forced to compete in the same athletic events. Dignity and respect matter for everyone but so do fairness and safety and these proposed changes represent a total rejection of fairness and safety in the name of ideology.
Erika Sanzi, Director of Outreach, Parents Defending Education
The Biden administration’s intention to rewrite Title IX rules, which affect not only college students but elementary and secondary students as well, is alarming. When the dignity of women and girls, fairness, and safety all take a back seat to the demands of a small group of political activists, as is clearly the case here, parents need to speak up. Despite the administration’s talking points to the contrary, kids are a kitchen table issue.
Mary Miller, Private School Advocacy Associate, Parents Defending Education
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