Parents Defending Education Responds to New Title IX Rule from U.S. Department of Education
Press Releases
On Friday, April 16, 2024 the U.S. Department of Education released new Title IX regulations.
Here is the response from Parents Defending Education President Nicole Neily:
It is grotesque that the White House has chosen to capitulate to extremists in his party, sacrificing the First Amendment on the altar of Title IX and disregarding clearly established Supreme Court precedent on the definition of sexual harassment. Extending Title IX to cover gender identity means that schools will no longer have discretion over whether – or how – to provide certain services and activities to students on the basis of self-declared gender identity. Title IX was written in 1972 when ‘sex’ meant male and female, and no amount of interpretive jiujitsu permits a cabinet agency to rewrite the plain language of the law. Efforts to do so have failed repeatedly in Congress for one simple reason: such an expansion of law is deeply unpopular, with opposition to these changes spanning both political and racial lines. This betrayal of students will not soon be forgotten by American parents, and we look forward to suing the Administration over this policy soon.
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