Parents Defending Education Poll: 62% of voters think gender identity activists “going too far”

Press Releases

71% oppose letting boys compete on girls’ sports teams

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Parents Defending Education released new polling on the issue of Title IX policies and gender identity activism in schools. The findings come after the Biden administration recently expanded Title IX regulations to apply to “gender identity” rather than just biological sex.

Key findings include: 

  • 62% of voters believed gender identity activists were “going too far” with proposed changes, compared to 10% who believed they didn’t go far enough.
  • 71% of voters opposed requiring schools to let biological males play for girls’ sports teams.
    • 72% of voters believed this could lead to increased rates of bodily injury among biological girls.
  • 59% of Democrat voters opposed allowing biological male students and staff to share sleeping quarters with biological female students and vice-versa.
    • 63% of Democrats expressed concern that such arrangements would lead to increased rates of sexual harassment and assault.
  • 73% of Hispanic voters oppose letting males use female locker rooms.
    • 83% of Hispanic voters were concerned that girls would lose their right to privacy in intimate facilities because of this policy.
  • 74% of Hispanic voters opposed allowing biological male students and staff to share sleeping quarters with biological female students and vice-versa.
    • 64% of Hispanic voters expressed concern that such policies would lead to increased rates of sexual harassment and assault.

The poll, which sampled 1,010 voters, had a margin of error of +/- 3.1% and a 95% confidence rating.

The results were weighted according to turnout history, party, age, and Census region.

Erika Sanzi, Director of Outreach at Parents Defending Education

“Title IX was passed 50 years ago to establish and preserve women’s equality in educational institutions, not destroy it. In light of that, is it really surprising that voters disapprove of Biden’s proposed Title IX changes? Did anyone really think the average voter in either party would approve of forcing girls to share restrooms and locker rooms with biological males, or to share sleeping quarters on field trips with male teachers? This poll confirms that Americans are not going to sit idly by while girls lose their rights to safety, privacy, and fair competition.”

The full poll crosstabs can be found here

Parents Defending Education is a national grassroots organization working to reclaim our schools from activists imposing harmful agendas. Through network and coalition building, investigative reporting, litigation, and engagement on local, state, and national policies, PDE is fighting indoctrination in the classroom — and working to restore a healthy, non-political education for our kids.
