22 States and 9 Organizations File Amicus Briefs in Support of PDE’s Petition for Rehearing En Banc in Parents Defending Education v. Olentangy Local School District Board of Education


The First Amendment does not allow school officials to coerce students into expressing messages inconsistent with the students’ values…To the contrary, “the First Amendment stringently limits a State’s authority to compel a private party to express a view with which the private party disagrees.”

Brief Of Amici Curiae States Of South Carolina, Ohio, and 20 Other States Supporting Plaintiff-Appellant Petition for Rehearing En Banc

The school board’s pronoun policies violate the First Amendment because they impermissibly compel students to speak contrary to their beliefs—whether rooted in science, faith, or philosophy—regarding the binary and immutable nature of biological sex.

Brief of Amici Curiae Independent Women’s Law Center & Manhattan Institute Supporting Appellant’s Petition for Rehearing En Banc