Woodridge Elementary Principal misrepresents Atlanta shooting in letter home to parents; commits to antiracism; expresses guilt over being a white female


The principal at Woodridge Elementary School sent a letter home to all parents in the wake of the shooting in Atlanta that killed 8 women. Not only does the letter indicate that she is uninformed about what the FBI Director has reported about the shooting but she makes causal claims that she is in no position to make.

Here is what one concerned member of community said about the letter:

Ms. Hepworth’s unsupported, untestable, ideologically loaded and grossly insulting claim that she calls “white supremacy” – of which she believes herself and her white students and letter readers to be a part – is to blame for the shootings. This pernicious theory not only relieves the perpetrator of personal responsibility for his crime; it wrongly shifts blame onto people who had nothing to do with it, specifically, onto the parents she directed the email to.

He goes on to say, “her detestable racial labelling and racial guilt throwing creates a hostile educational environment, thus violating civil rights laws that prohibit this.”