University of Puget Sound (CorruptED)
University of Puget Sound School of Education courses feature topics such social justice, racism, and white supremacy.
EDUC 290: Making Men: Schools and Masculinities
The course “examines the nature of schooling and the socializing power of schools, using masculinity as its lens” and examines the “hidden and official curriculum schools use to teach about gender
and what it means to be a man.”
EDUC 295: White Teachers Teaching Children of Color
The course will “center race as a lens for understanding miseducation in American schooling.”
EDUC 296: Using Children’s and Young Adult Literature to Teach for Social Justice
The course description states that “Teaching reading has never been politically neutral because reading instruction, when it is done well, requires that we read something” and that there is “an assumption that the selection of what students read should consider the promotion of American ideals of liberty and justice for everyone.”
EDUC 298: Using Primary Sources to Teach for Social Justice
The course is “designed to introduce students to using primary documents to help K-12 students understand alternative perspectives of the past” such as “perspectives are marginalized in K-12 classrooms, few experience the silence that surrounds LGBTQ people.”
EDUC 628: Centering Race and Unlearning Racism
The course focus is to “center race as a lens for understanding education and miseducation in American schooling.” Students engage in the “ongoing process of confronting and unlearning socialized assumptions about race and how these manifest in classrooms and in their own racialized identities”
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