University of California Berkeley (CorruptED)
University of California Berkeley School of Education courses feature topics such as critical pedagogy and whiteness. Course texts include Paulo Freire’s Pedagogy of the Oppressed.
WED 140: The Art of Making Meaning: Educational Perspectives on Literacy and Learning in a Global World
The course WED 140: The Art of Making Meaning: Educational Perspectives on Literacy and Learning in a Global World includes content such as critical pedagogy and whiteness. Course texts include Paulo Freire’s Pedagogy of the Oppressed.
The course description states that students will “understand how we use language and other modalities to communicate in a digital age—that is, how we use a variety of symbol systems to make meaning.”

Ethnic Studies 98/198: Palestine: A Settler Colonial Analysis
In September of 2016, the university suspended this course, later to reinstate it.
The course Ethnic Studies 98/198: Palestine: A Settler Colonial Analysis includes topics such as decolonization, intifada, and settler colonialism. Course texts include reading Edward Said and guest lecturer Hatem Bazian.
The course description states that it will “examine key historical developments that have taken place in Palestine, from the 1880s to the present, through the lens of settler colonialism” and will also “explore the connection between Zionism and settler colonialism, and the ways in which it has manifested, and continues to manifest, in Palestine.” The course will draw “upon literature on decolonization, we will explore the possibilities of a decolonized Palestine, one in which justice is realized for all its peoples and equality is not only espoused, but practiced.”

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