Teachers forced to do DEI training on intersectionality, micro-aggressions, gender ideology; equity task force says “teachers are learners and activists”
According to several teachers in Hailey, Idaho, the chairman of the Blaine County #61 school board has promised to protect them from parents concerned about indoctrination in the classroom. Meanwhile, teachers are being required to complete an online diversity, equity and inclusion training on their own that includes:
- Kimberlé Crenshaw’s work on intersectionality.
- Microaggressions (including making the mistake of emphasizing the wrong syllable of a student’s name.)
- Gender ideology.
Staff report that the training is “completely one-sided” and “based in leftist ideology.” Some report that they get through it by turning down the volume and just clicking through; others say they refuse to complete it.
Staff also report that the school board is throwing around the term “equity” without understanding its meaning. An “equity task force” has been formed at Wood River High School—they assert that “teachers are learners and activists” and promised to “be out on the streets dropping a knee or raising a fist in support of Black Lives Matter…”
Concerned staff members say the group is trying to “impose all sorts of nonsense on the rest of us.”

The training was provided by Vector Solutions.

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