Principals and Assistant Principals in metro area of Minnesota sign “Making Good Trouble in Education” statement that includes “De-centering Whiteness” and “Dismantling practices that reinforce White academic superiority”


162 Principals and Assistant Principals signed a statement by Good Trouble Principles that included how they might get into “Good Trouble”:

How might we get in Good Trouble today? By:

  • De-centering Whiteness. Understanding that traditional organized whiteness ensures domination through forms like PTAs and Unions. We purposefully call out and lift up historically non-represented voices of color in our spaces to hold weight and power.
  • Dismantling practices that reinforce White academic superiority like bias in testing and the labeling, tracking and clustering that reflect an Americanized version of a caste system in our schools.
  • Reconstructing “school” upon our full in-person returns where business-as-usual, like schedules and staffing, are open to drastic changes. and engaging in that preparatory work now.
  • Speaking truth to power. Where our commitment to holding ourselves and those who serve under us accountable to this work is just as importantly extended to those who serve over us.