Pitt County Schools’ strategic plan appears to include race-based hiring goals and scholarships.


Pitt County Schools’ 2021-2026 Strategic Plan appears to include race-based hiring goals and scholarships.

According to the plan, “Objective 8 – Sustain and increase the number of educators of color in schools across Pitt County Schools” states that the district will “increase the number of Pitt County School minority new hires from 20% to 25% by 2026,” “create a career path for the under-represented population hired as entry-level educators (TAs) and become certified personnel by redefining job descriptions” by increasing “the number of underrepresented populations by 10% each year,” and “create multiple pathways for minority and Hispanic recruitment in the district” by developing an “opportunity for 4 local PCS Educator Fellows to be awarded annual scholarships worth $5,000.”