Pathfinder Elementary promotes race-based ‘building groups’ and asks families to take ‘Anti-Racism Pledge’
In June 2021, the Pathfinder Elementary PTSA announced its first “Anti-Racist Pledge” for members of the community. They asked families to email them a photo of their pledge.

The pledge and associated challenges asked families to read books by a “Black, Indigenous, Person of Color author” and read a handout, “Practical Activities to Help You Challenge Privilege, Confront Systemic Racism, and Engage in Collective Healing.” It also said: “Assess where you and each member of your family stands on white identity development.”

The challenge also told families: “Invest in Black, Indigenous, People of Color political candidates….” It told families to join the “Council for Anti-Racist Whites” and support “5 local POC businesses regular,” using the acronym for “People of Color.”

The challenge document also contained “anti-racist” reading resources and activities for the families to complete, including White Fragility.

In the Nov. 14, 2021, school newsletter, Pathfinder Elementary School announced the “Pathfinder and Pigeon Community Restorative Circle” would be meeting on Nov. 16, 2021. It also announced “Lunchtime Community Building Groups for BIPOC & Multiracial Scholars, K-8,” saying the school district hired a “certified School Psychologist/School Counselor” to “create and facilitate” the “building groups.” It said, “Jamelia Alnajjar is a woman of color with over 10 years of experience in K-12 education and is a member of the Pathfinder community.” The “building groups” are akin to “affinity groups” in other school districts.

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