Lexington Public Schools Push Ahead with New DEI Policies and Curriculum Changes; 1st graders will be “explicitly talking about race, ethnicity, and culture.”


Since the fall of 2020, Lexington Public Schools in Masschuetsus have subscribed fully to the DEI and Antiracism ideology. The school has debuted a new DEI newsletter full of resources by authors like Ibram Kendi and other CRT advocates. Under the “Racial Equity” section the school published this statement about their work:

The school then follows up by claiming there is no such thing as a “critical race theory curriculum” but that its practices do line up with the district teaching goals:

This upcoming school year, Lexington Public Schools have begun to change the curriculum to include more DEI and antiracist teachings but do not include in these presentations examples of where/how the prior curriculum failed to achieve these goals.

In one example of the new curriculum changes for 1st graders, the district said they would be “explicitly talking about race, ethnicity, and culture”:
